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Armenta Qualifies as Best

As a voter in Culver City for 62 years, I would like to recommend the most highly qualified candidate, Christopher Armenta, in next Tuesday’s City Council election.

He has earned his approval from the people he works with, family, friends and those he meets.

Message to the City Council: Agendize Impeachment

[Editor’s Note: A response to City Councilman Gary Silbiger’s unsuccessful attempt last week to agendize a resolution to impeach the President and Vice President of the United States.]

I want to thank the people who attended last Monday night’s City Council meeting and tried to speak in the same language as our representatives.

Evidently, the Council needs to take courses in respect and community needs, government responsibilities and U.S. history.

The Horrors of War

Congress can save us or break us as a positive, benevolent, healthy society.

They are complicit in making funds available for war, because they hold the purse strings of the trillions of dollars that are needed for war.

Whether you voted for Congress or not, YOU are SOMEBODY.

Getting to Know You

Neighbors along the 11100 block of Braddock Drive came together last Sunday afternoon Braddock Drive to mark two lifecycle events. They were celebrating last month’s birth of Lisa Renee Kinsey (of 11138), and they were commemorating last month’s passing of Henry Siegel at the age of 93. My husband Henry and I lived at 11169 Braddock Drive for 60 years. We were married for 69 years. At the same time that Braddock neighbors were planning this event, the mother of Bill Paul, who is a resident of our block died, last Thursday. She was buried on Saturday. Mr. Paul’s mother had lived in Culver City for the past year.

Getting to Know You

There are 26 occupants and 2 vacant houses on our block. More than half of the neighbors plus their guests attended last Sunday. After obtaining a permit from City Hall, we were allowed to have the street sans autos. It was a day of many activities — walking, playing, even lying on the street gazing at the stars (on a sunny afternoon). In addition, games were available for all. Potluck, cold drinks, home-made cake and chocolate cup cakes were devoured With yumminess, the aroma of the bar-be-que floated under the trees that line our street.