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O’Leary Says Erroneous Claim Of Teacher Endorsement Was an Oversight

[Editor’s Note: One of the nine candidates for election to the City Council on April 8 issued the statement below to the Culver City community at the weekend.]

I would like to bring to your attention an inadvertent error that appeared in a recent campaign mailer, which suggested I had been endorsed by the Culver City Federation of Teachers, Local #1343.

I would like to state that this was an oversight I deeply regret, as I in no way wish to mislead the public.

I caught this error in an earlier draft and indicated it should be omitted.

O’Leary Has the Answers

     [Editor’s Note: In the interest of gaining deeper insights into the reasoning processes of the three candidates for the two City Council seats in Tuesday’s election, the frontpageonline.com posed a list of probing questions to each contender. The questions required thoughtful, detailed responses. A native of Ireland and a newlywed, first-time candidate Mehaul O’Leary has developed a reputation for speaking out, sometimes unpredictably, in a campaign that otherwise has been run cautiously, formfully. No one has pulled away from the field, and no one has fallen off the pace. Mr. O’Leary said he is “optimistic” going into Election Day.]