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She Scolds Dem Club for Showing Their Partisan ship

I was appalled to hear that the Democratic Club Candidates Night for the School Board candidates this evening will include only Democrats. Appalled, but not surprised.

In the 2004 City Council election, when I openly supported Steve Rose, a known Republican, I was severely chastised in print by Darryl Cherness, a major player in our local Democratic Club. Mr. Cherness informed me that I could no longer call myself a Democrat if I was voting for a Republican, albeit in a non-partisan election.

Santa Claws Or Is It Claus?

     I realize that Santa Claus does not make an appearance during the winter holiday that we of the Jewish persuasion observe.  
     However, I would think that as a journalist you would be more conscious of your spelling and grammar.
     I believe the icon is Santa Claus, not Santa Clause.

Reasons to Oppose Measure V

     I'll be voting no on Measure V.  I've asked the same question of three different speakers in favor of the measure at three different Measure V debates and received basically the same answer three times. 
     The question: "If I don't agree with even one part of the Charter Amendment, how can I, in good conscience, vote in favor of it?"  The answer?  "If you approve of most of it, vote yes.  You can't put it all on the ballot as separate line items."

     Those of us against Measure V approve of the majority of it.  The language cleanup, the administrative "stuff," does need to be changed.  But items like CAO vs. City Manager, removing civil service protection from the fire and police chiefs, appointing the City Treasurer and City Clerk instead of electing them?  Each one has a valid "yes" or "no" argument.  The hot button items should be separated out and voted on individually.

A Vote for Independence

     Mehaul O’Leary is an independent candidate in more ways than one for the City Council in the April 11 election.  He has a refreshing, new approach to resolving the many issues facing the City Council these coming years.  He has no political agenda beyond being elected.  He owes no political favors and will not be influenced by the local movers and shakers. 
     Mehaul has run a clean campaign, with no inference or innuendo toward his fellow candidates. He has surprised many people with his incisive solutions to traffic, budget and neighborhood problems.  I’ll be voting for Mehaul O’Leary on Election Day, and I hope you’ll join me.  Isn’t it time we had an independent thinker on the City Council?
Martha Gunther, Culver  City