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Silbiger Makes the Case for Waiting on the Bond Measure

We need to alter our thinking about the timing of this school bond election. Some in the community have suggested that having it on this November's election is of paramount importance, that without it being on the ballot in November, it won't pass. I do not believe that we...

Silbiger Lays Down 5 Conditions on Bond Measure

[Editor’s Note: School Board member Karlo Silbiger was the central player at last week’s meeting in ostensibly postponing placement of the proposed bond measure on the November ballot.] I am so excited about the passion and enthusiasm so many have shown for improving our school facilities to make them an even better place for our community’s students to receive a great education.

The Silbiger Statement That Unraveled the Bond Campaign

Editor’s Note: Here is School Board member Karlo Silbiger’s pivotal 1854-word speech he read at last evening’s meeting. It triggered a domino effect in halting, or at least substantially delaying, a bond measure campaign intended to ultimately generate $75 million and repair School District facilities.

A Former Student’s Tribute to Coach Sanchez

There are some teachers who play such a central role in your life that you remember them 20, 30, even 40 years later. When you look back at the trajectory of your life, you can imagine everything turning out completely different – but for that person’s influence. It is one of the reasons why I chose to be a teacher.

In Honor of My Father

[Editor’s Note: Here is the eloquent tribute Karlo Silbiger, a member of the School Board, paid to his father, Gary Silbiger, at Monday night’s City Council meeting when he was term-limited.]

When Joey and I Were in Middle School

Before hearing last weekend that Joey Lutz had drowned in Panama, I had not seen or talked to him in over 8 years.

However, there are some people who are so electric, that specific things that they do and say stay with you for years, regardless of the level of continuing contact.

Want a Suggestion for Being Alone? Run for Elective Office in...

Our country is in the midst of an incredible political upswing.

A record number of people chose to vote in the last presidential election, and many are choosing to pay close attention to the political issues of the day, especially the war in Iraq.

However, Culver City must have missed the memo.

During the 2005-2006 election season, 6 municipal offices were on the ballot (2 City Council seats, 3 School Board seats, and the City Clerk's office).