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Our Shiny, New 1947 Car

     I am writing to discuss the reasons why I am a strong supporter of the proposed Measure V, which would update the Charter for Culver City.
     In 1947, (the same year the current City Charter was enacted) my parents bought our very first automobile. It was a brand-new, top-of-the-line Packard sedan. It was stylish, roomy, and comfortable. It had a heater, and a radio — modern innovations in those days.
     It did not have: An automatic transmission,four-wheel drive, seat belts, anti-lock (or power)
brakes, power steering, power windows (power anything!), air bags or a catalytic converter.

The Malsin Work Ethic

     I want to encourage everyone to vote for Scott Malsin for City Council.
     Many people know Scott because of his service on the Planning Commission, as a member of CERT or because he's vice president of the Ballona Creek Renaissance.
     I live in his neighborhood, and I want to let you know what a
hard worker he is every step of the way. He is always there when
there's hard work to be done.