Home Authors Posts by Frances Talbott-White

Frances Talbott-White


League to Host Council Seekers March 16

Every two years, as far back as anyone can remember, sample ballots for the Culver City general municipal election are mailed from City Hall...

Time to Talk Over School Election

The public is invited to a meeting of the Culver City Unit of the League of Women Voters of Los Angeles next Tuesday evening...

League to Grill Candidates Oct. 1

To prepare voters for Culver City's Nov. 3 School Board election, the League of Women Voters’ Culver City Unit will present a candidates’ forum...

Fixing What Is Broken – An Earth Month Project

In honor of Earth Month, on Wednesday evening at 6:30 in the ground-floor Dan Patacchia Room at City Hall, Transition Culver City will hold...

A Detective Walked Into League of Women Voters Meeting

Identity theft will be one of the themes tomorrow when the League of Women Voters of Culver City meets at 11:30 in the Craft...

Frances and a League of Their Own Convene at the Senior...

With the renovation of the Julian Dixon Library having begun at last, I have reserved the Crafts Room at the Senior Center on Tuesday for an 11 o’clock meeting of the Culver City Unit of the League of Women Voters. Many people believe that “nonpartisan political activity” is an oxymoron. It isn't. All the elective positions in Culver City (municipal and School District) are (theoretically) nonpartisan, as are all ...