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Reflecting on the Death of the Brilliant Activist Winograd

I have attended affairs at the home of the activist Teddi Winograd in Beverly Hills many times in the past year. I received invitations from Frank Dorrel, who passed along the sad news of her death at the age of 87. Teddi was a very generous woman. I know my late wife Beverly would have liked her, and they would have been friends had Beverly lived to meet her.

It was at the Winograd home that I heard James Moore discuss his recent experiences as an American in America. I purchased his book, “The Architect (Karl Rove and The Master Plan for Absolute Power), co-authored by Wayne Slater.

The Downside of Measure V

      I want to tell you why I am opposed Measure V, the misguided Charter Reform proposition on Tuesday’s ballot.
      I don’t believe the system is broken and needs to be changed, as some people claim. Actually, the problem is the ineptness of the people who are running the system., namely the City Council. The Council has failed in its duty to operate within the guidelines of the Charter. For that reason, they want to change it, which will give them more time to get their act together.
      The Council has failed in any way they needed to justify changing our City Charter.
      I can’t read their minds. I don’t know why they think it should be changed. The Council appointed the Charter Review Committee with instructions to look at the Charter and bring it up to date.