Home Authors Posts by Jeff Warner

Jeff Warner


A March for Syrian Refugees

With calls to ban Syrian refugees from entering the United States, starting on Thursday evening a coalition is coming together to call attention to...

Naysayers Are Wrong to Rap Iran Nuclear Talks

The famous adage of thinking globally, but acting locally applies to the current debate over U.S. foreign policy toward Iran.  This issue is hardly...

With U.S. in Decline, What Will Happen to ‘Apartheid’ Israel?

Dick Platkin and I gave a talk titled: " ICAHD’s Reframing of the Israel-Palestine Conflict last Sunday in San Diego at the annual convention of the U.S. Campaign to End the Israeli Occupation. We started by observing that Israel is building an apartheid Greater Israel as part of an American Empire. But the U.S. Empire is in decline. We asked what happens when ...