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My Advice for Malsin

     Last summer, Scott Malsin called to ask me what I thought about his interest in running for the City Council.  During the past few years, I’d had the pleasure of working with Scott on a number of Culver City projects, and I was impressed.  Without hesitation, I told him that I would be pleased to support his campaign should he decide to run.
     Well, the City Council campaign is drawing to a close, and I have not for one moment regretted my decision to support Scott Malsin for election to the City Council on Tuesday, April 11. 
     At  the several Candidate Forums I have attended,  Scott has exhibited a keen understanding of our city and how our local government works.  Certainly, some of that understanding comes from having spent five years on the city’s Planning Commission, and from having run a number of community events in Culver City, including Fiesta La Ballona. 

Why We Are Voting Yes on Measure V

     According to recent comments by in thefrontpageonline.com Susan Deen, one of the leaders of the opposition to Measure V, parts of the proposed new Charter are long-needed and she would avidly support the changes. 
     But there are parts of the new Charter she does not like:   
     The city manager form of government, the elimination of elected department heads and treating all of the members of the city’s executive management equally. 
     So what’s left?  The table of contents?  The definitions?
     The current Charter was adopted by the voters of Culver City in 1947.