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A Statue That Did Not Just Walk Away

Dateline Norwalk -- A bronze figure from the city of Norwalk’s “Looking to the Future” public art installation was reported stolen from the corner of Imperial Highway and Norwalk Boulevard this week. The missing bronze, a sculpture of a young girl waving her hand in greeting, was originally ...

An Official’s Skin Color Is Clue to Law’s Pursuit, He Charges

Second of two parts. By Albert Robles, Carson City Councilman and Board of Directors, Water Replenishment District, Division 5. As I was saying yesterday, this year stands out for the number of politicians indicted, convicted, and/or sentenced in Los Angeles County.

Justice Should Be Blind, But In Los Angeles It Is Not!!

First of two parts. By Albert Robles, Carson City Councilman and Board of Directors, Water Replenishment District, Division 5.This year stands out for the number of politicians indicted, convicted, and/or sentenced in Los Angeles County. On Oct. 31, the most recent “victim,” state Sen. Rod Wright was scheduled to turn himself in to begin his sentence. While it never is politically smart to defend criminals, especially corrupt politicians, “injustice anywhere, is a threat to justice everywhere.”

New Sheriff Confident That Calm Will Prevail

[Editor’s Note: County Sheriff-elect Jim McDonnell issued the following reaction to the Ferguson grand jury decision.]The frustration we have seen in Ferguson demonstrates what can happen when a divide develops between government — through one of its most vital agents, law enforcement — and the community it serves. It is why community policing and engagement must not merely be something we do. Rather, it must be ...

Three Water Officials Trying to Sneak Their Guy in as G.M.?

We have learned that former state Assemblyman Rudy Bermudez is being pushed by Central Basin Water Board Directors James Roybal, Leticia Vasquez and Bob Apodaca to become the next General Manager of the besieged public agency as early as tomorrow. We have been told that current GM Tony Perez will be relieved of his duties at the Wednesday morning 10 o’clock meeting.