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Curren Price, Jr.


New Price for Los Angeles: $15/Hour

Yesterday was a great day for Los Angeles. After nearly eight months of deliberation, that included seven hearings, three studies, a peer review, and more...

True Sheroes, Women of Valor, in Price’s New Ninth

  Dateline South Los Angeles -- I am announcing the selection of 20 remarkable women from the New Ninth District of South Los Angeles as...

Price: Income Inequality Must End. New Minimum Wage Is Mandatory

Yesterday I was proud to help Los Angeles join the ranks of so many other cities across the nation that are tackling the growing challenge of income inequality by raising wages for workers. I joined Councilmembers Mike Bonin, Gil Cedillo and Nury Martinez in introducing a motion that calls on the City Attorney to draft an ordinance that raises the minimum wage to $13.25 by July 1, 2017, and launches the process of getting us to a minimum wage of $15.25 by 2019.

Because of Our Plight, Raising Minimum Wage Is Right Move

Poverty in Los Angeles has reached epic proportions. Our city has the embarrassing distinction of having the highest poverty rate of any major city in America. Making matters worse – many residents struggling to make ends meet already are working fulltime.