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Mandatory Ethnic Studies Plan Is Saluted by McKenna

On Nov. 18, I was delighted to join with LAUSD Board members Bennett Kayser and Steven Zimmer in co-sponsoring a historic resolution that will improve the educational experience and outcomes of our children. By passing the “Supporting Ethnic Studies in the Los Angeles Unified School District” resolution, the School Board added ethnic studies to the curriculum, and established it as ...

McKenna Pleads for Opponent to ‘Stop Smearing Me’

As some readers probably have heard, my opponent (for the First District seat on the School Board) is engaging in a dirty smear campaign against me. (Full coverage in Thursday's LA Sentinel). They are so unethical that they are even pressuring newspaper editors to censor columnists critical of their dishonorable tactics. (Read the unpublished Soulvine columns: #1 and #2 that have appeared in thefrontpageonline.com).