Home Authors Posts by Kendra Kruckenberg

Kendra Kruckenberg


Sen. Runner Tries to Make Jessica’s Law Work Better

Dateline Sacramento – Sen. Sharon Runner (R-Antelope Valley) said today she is authoring legislation that would make sex-offender residency restrictions more workable, while keeping...

Author Demands Reply on Jessica’s Law Change

Dateline Sacramento – State Sen. Sharon Runner (R-Lancaster) has called upon the California Dept. of Corrections and Rehabilitation to provide insight into its decision...

Runner Bill Would Refund Illegal Taxes

Dateline Sacramento -- Board of Equalization Vice Chair George Runner of Diamond Bar said today he is sponsoring legislation to extend “common sense protections”...

Runner Bill to Aid Disabled Veterans Is Advancing

Dateline Sacramento – A George Runner proposal to protect California’s disabled veterans won backing from a key legislative panel today when the Senate Governance and Finance Committee voted 7-0 to back SB 1113. The measure, authored by Sen. Steve Knight (R-Antelope Valley), would help ensure that disabled veterans who encounter bureaucratic delays can still claim a key property tax exemption.

A Town Hall for Grocers Next Week

Dateline Sacramento – Board of Equalization member George Runner will host a telephone Town Hall for California’s grocers next Wednesday at 10 a.m. The free event, co-hosted by the California Grocers Assn., will provide information on tax issues specific to the grocery and convenience store industry.