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Fiscal Discipline Brings Better Days to Our State

The people of California did a great thing in November 2012 that has made state government much more effective. By raising sales and income taxes until 2017, California voters temporarily corrected a spending imbalance (also known as… the structural deficit) for five years. The electorate believed Gov. Brown’s message that, by passing Prop. 30, they would promote ...

Anxious to Start Working with New Assembly Speaker Atkins

Dateline Sacramento – The week brought a change in the top leadership of the Assembly. Toni Atkins, a veteran public servant representing San Diego, and the Assembly’s Majority Leader, was unanimously endorsed by Assembly Democrats to become the 69th Speaker of the state Assembly.

State Fiscal Forecast Is for Sunshine and Flowers

[Editor’s Note: Weekly reflections from the desk of the Democratic state Assemblyman who represents Culver City, West Los Angeles, Southwest and South Los Angeles.] When Gov. Brown released his proposed budget this month, it generated a great deal of attention and a high level of interest, particularly in its references to our significantly improved state government finances and our state’s economy, characterized by slow but steady growth.

Sebastian Says Zev, Dr. King, Roz Wyman All Were My Age

I have the experience, the drive and the dedication to capably serve our community with distinction, intelligence and vigor in the state Assembly. As a Public Policy Director, community organizer and advocate for consumers, children and small businesses, I rolled up my sleeves to deliver...