Right Way to Support a Cause
A challenge faced by proponents of Measure V, the Citizens for a New Charter, is how to campaign for a document. Supporting a candidate, particularly one with a recognizable personality, is easier. Coming in behind a one-issue ballot measure isn’t too hard, either. Backing the city’s equivalent of its constitution for the April 11 election is a more complex undertaking.
The Citizens for a New Charter encountered struggles in putting together a brochure. The new charter is absent a fetching smile or a distinctive speaking voice; you can't show homey pictures of the charter and its family.
Actually, the charter has about as bland a personality as you could imagine. Except for the red-lined version, it's about as black and white as you can get. Voters say they crave black and white, but coming in around thirty-two pages by necessity, the new charter is a tad too long for bedtime reading.