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Pulled-Back Invitation – A New Blunder by Bumbling PCC Administrators?

[Editor’s Note: This story originally appeared in the Pasadena City College Courier.] After being placed atop a Board of Trustees-approved short list of potential commencement speakers earlier this semester, Pasadena City College decided against selecting Oscar-winning screenwriter and PCC alumnus Dustin Lance Black because they feared sexually explicit photos of Mr. Black that surfaced on the internet in 2006 would tarnish the school’s reputation, according to administrative officials. Mr. Black was the first of eight potential candidates to make himself available as a speaker, but the Board of Trustees was made aware of ...

Feared PCC Fiasco – Still Another Rocha Backfire – Spring Credits...

Editor’s Note: Another hugely unpopular idea birthed and nurtured by hugely unpopular President Mark Rocha of Pasadena City College appears to be dive-bombing – killing the traditional winter intersession that has been crucial for transferring students. This story appeared in Saturday’s edition of The Courier, the PCC student newspaper

Panic at PCC, Clerks Flee After Facing Threats

Editor’s Note: Following up this morning’s story, today, for the second consecutive day, the Pasadena City College campus is roiled over fallout from the controversial policies of heavily under-fire President Mark Rocha. The report below is from today’s edition of the student newspaper, The Courier.