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We Need a History Lesson

Let’s call what happened at last night’s City Council meeting “The Great Unfairness Hoax of 2009.”

Recent History: Last night, Andrew (Andy) Weissman became Culver City Mayor, elected for the fiscal year 2009-2010. Mr. Weissman succeeds Mayor Scott Malsin (2008-2009), who succeeded Mayor Alan Corlin (2007-2008), who succeeded Mayor Gary Silbiger (2006-2007).

Lower Site Best for Skateboarders

     Now that I have read yesterday’s totally-biased Culver City News “reporting” of a cheap political stunt by the Cooper/Corlin/Malsin Campaign, I am compelled to set some of the facts out – yet once again.   (As “reported” the recent Culver City News articles about the “Save the Grass.”)   
     In Culver City political terms, “Save the Grass” is the 2006 equivalent of the 2002 Restaurant Grades issue.
     As an advocate for the minority report by the Parks & Recreation Commission(members Anita Shapiro and Charles Deen), I would like to make some brief points about why the lower site is simply the best site for several reasons:
     The City Council subcommittee (Mayor Albert Vera and Councilmember Steve Rose) so concluded.