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Government Wants to Put Tape Over Ferguson Juror’s Mouth

A FATE ACCOMPLI? — Did you see where one member of the Ferguson grand jury, which declined to indict white police officer Darren Wilson for having committed any crime when he shot and killed unarmed 18-year-old Michael Brown in August, is shaming the devil and speaking the truth about justice in America?

Dynamite Charge Against Sebastian by Camarella Over Delegates

The 54th Assembly District’s annual election of California Democratic Party delegates and executive board members, scheduled for Sunday afternoon, has gone completely ballistic. Word of intimidation by a politician has spread among already displeased residents and potential voters. Word in the district has it that County Supervisor Mark Ridley-Thomas, father of the district’s Assemblyman Sebastian Ridley-Thomas, had strongarmed Tom Camarella ...

Is It All Relative? Sebastian and Autumn Face Messy Situations

The California Democratic Party will convene meetings next month to elect Assembly District delegates and Assembly District executive board representatives for each of the state’s 80 Assembly districts. There is a lot of mumbling and crumbling going on about the elections in two local Assembly district races ...

Bass Predicts Holder and Obama Will Go Out Together

Damn! --- Atty. Gen. Eric Holder resigned just when he put the needs and concerns of the country’s African Americans on the Justice Dept.’s front burners. During his five years in office, Mr. Holder, the first black attorney general, has been the people’s greatest ally in the fight for justice, civil rights, equal rights and voting rights in the history of the United States. Mr. Holder, 63, has been applauded by civil and equal rights activists throughout the country as being the most effective attorney general of the 82 the U.S. has had throughout its history. Mr. Holder announced ...

Why It Was Right to Stand up for McKenna

A Tale of Three School Boards -- The community came full circle one weekend ago when it packed Washington High School’s auditorium to install George McKenna as its representative on the Los Angeles Unified School District’s Board of Directors in a joyous ceremony and celebration the likes of which South Los Angeles hasn’t had in my lifetime -- and I’m old! Everybody was there!!

How Dare Community Not Protest Officer Dutta's Ugly Words

Atrocities --- Some terrible things happened to and by local black people last week, which I’ve been unable to rail against. I’ve been stricken by a heretofore unknown (to me) disease called “strepped throat,” which kept me isolated and pumped full of drugs. I’m better now, and I’ve got a lot say about several things.

Huge McKenna Victory a Tribute to Outraged and United People

Hallelujah! --- We, the people, did it! We elected George McKenna to the LAUSD School Board two days ago and beat back the big monied interests which sought to buy control of our public school system, thus proving that the people --- outraged and united --- can do any damned thing we must to survive. Heretofore disparate elements of the community came together and fought against graft, greed and megalomania to elect a life-long, experienced, acclaimed educator and a true gentleman to the School Board seat --- George McKenna, a man whom the Rev. Jesse Jackson proclaimed as “having more qualifications than the secretary of education in Washington D.C.”

A Ridley-Thomas Recall Try After McKenna Victory?

Let’s Do This…and That! --- As the Supervisor Mark Ridley-Thomas-controlled machine has rolled out a relentless smear campaign to get his employee, elected to the School Board Tuesday at any cost, the people (read: voters) in Ridley-Thomas’s 2nd District have jumped the gun on widely discussed plans to recall their supervisor. While several groups of active residents have been dissatisfied with ...

Talking Nice About McKenna and Otherwise About Johnson

I’m Free to Be Me !!! --- So let’s get on with it. Today’s agenda includes good things about George McKenna and bad things about Alex Johnson and his liege lord, Supervisor Mark Ridley-Thomas; good things about Najee Ali and his protest against Skyy Fisher and bad things about the Two Urban Girls’ attack on Najee for his protest against the Skyy; and anything else that may come to mind before I go to bed. Oh, and that West Basin Water District director guy, Ronald Smith, who was charged with embezzlement last week. From what I hear, he may not be the only public official to be so charged. Stay tuned.

Second Straight Week — Soulvine Unchained

[Editor’s Note: The newspaper is indebted to C.J. Fowler and John Walsh, for the second week in a row, for forwarding Betty Pleasant’s popular “Soulvine” column, rejected for the second straight week by her home base, Wave Newspapers. Says Mr. Walsh: If Ms. Pleasant had white skin, this outrage would warrant coverage in the Los Angeles Times - Editor-in-Chief Mr. Davan Maharaj's violation of journalistic ethics and standards.”]