Home Authors Posts by George Runner

George Runner


Brave Girl Walked Out

A friend recently told me about a troubling experience his daughter had at a California community college. She had to endure a political rant...

Smoke Clouds Pot Revenue Hopes

Dateline Sacramento --The experience of other states like Colorado and Washington suggests that when medical sales are tax free, many marijuana users become a...

A Board with Too Much Power

In 2006, elected officials gave the California Air Resources Board (CARB) virtually unchecked authority to implement AB 32, which aims to reduce carbon emissions...

Runner Raps Imprudence

Dateline Sacramento – After digesting Gov. Brown’s revised $122.6 billion budget just approved by the Legislature, Board of Equalization member George Runner offered a...

Enviro Laws Are the Culprit

  Just a decade ago California’s housing market crashed, resulting in mass foreclosures and dramatic declines in home values. Today, we face a different problem—a...

Why Public Transport Is Losing Ground

“I take public transit, but I hate it,” says a student intern who works in my downtown Sacramento office. In a perfect world, there would...

Runner Offers a Hand to Veterans

Dateline Sacramento - Board of Equalization Vice Chair George Runner today announced a new outreach effort to veterans in his Southern California district, including...

Want to Join the Tax Idea Factory?

Dateline Sacramento -- California Forward, a political reform group, recently invited Californians to take a Revenue Challenge. It consists of an online survey where...

Top Five Tax Traps for Business Owners

Dateline Sacramento -- As Vice Chair of the state Board of Equalization, I regularly hear from small business owners caught off-guard by tax liabilities....

Why State, a Slumlord, Should Quit Building Business

Dateline Sacramento -- If a recent study to determine the safety of 29 state-owned buildings tells us anything, it is that the state is...