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New York’s Appeal for Israelis Is Ebbing

Israeli-born Jews were found not to be a growing presence by the recently published New York Jewish Population Study. The number of Israeli-born Jews in New York declined 6.5 percent in the last decade, since 2002 when 31,000 Jewish Israeli-borns were counted, and 2011 when 29,000 were found. This is additional key evidence that Israel is not...

Los Angeles Had Its Own Israeli Ex-Prisoner X

Ben Zygier, the Australian immigrant to Israel, and purported Mossad agent who committed suicide in Ayalon Prison two years ago, is now known in the public furor in Israel about his secret imprisonment as Prisoner X. Until another natural death in 1993, Los Angeles also had its own Israeli ex-Prisoner X who was also imprisoned in the same facility.

Down to a Dwindling Few Holocaust Survivors in Los Angeles

"Israel Is Waiting for Its Holocaust Survivors to Die" is the title of an opinion piece by Amos Rubin in the Jerusalem newspaper Ha’aretz arguing that the Israeli government only thinks of Holocaust survivors as a financial burden. The 1997 Los Angeles Jewish Population Survey also found...

Israeli Game of Chicken with Gaza Bit Netanyahu in Election

Who flinched? How could hundreds of pre-election polls in Israel be so wrong last week? Actual voting is different than opinions shared with pollsters. Much of the bellicose verbiage of the right-wing parties resonated with the “resiliency” that the average Israeli is supposed to display after weathering a harrowing war experience.