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John Schwada


Ambitious Cultural Expansion Plan in Arroyo Seco

Dateline Highland Park – Advocates for the iconic Southwest Museum will unveil an ambitious plan tomorrow morning at 10 o’clock to preserve and revitalize the city’s first museum. The intention is to make it the centerpiece of a cultural and economic development district that links numerous cultural attractions in the Arroyo Seco communities of Highland Park, Montecito Heights, Sycamore Terrace and Mt. Washington.

Protestors Demand Autry Open Doors to the Southwest Museum

The Friends of the Southwest Museum Coalition this morning expressed its outrage at the latest evidence of how the Autry “Cowboy” Museum is showing its contempt for taxpayers and disrespecting the Southwest Museum, the city’s first museum and the original home of an invaluable collection of Native American, Southwestern and Meso-American art and artifacts.

Look Who Is Paying Attention to Our Side

In recent days, opponents of the Millennium Hollywood project have scored hugely favorable media coverage of their fight, with nine stories appearing on six television stations (KCBS, KCAL, KABC, KNBC, KTLA and KTTV) and two radio stations (KPCC and KPFK) on Friday alone. In addition, the Wall Street Journal published a story about...

Times Minimizes Millenium Scandal – Grand Jury Probe Needed

Opponents of the Millennium Hollywood project this morning registered their strong objections to a Los Angeles Times editorial that – while admirable, in part – sadly minimizes the deceits employed by the Millennium developer and by city officials to hide the public safety risks posed by the Millennium project.

Secret Millenium Emails Exposed – Neutral Panel Is Sought

Opponents of the Millennium Hollywood project this morning released secret emails that show the Los Angeles Dept. of Building and Safety and the Millennium developer acknowledged, behind closed doors, that the Hollywood Earthquake Fault potentially crossed the property and that the state of California officially had mapped the active fault on or near the Millennium property.

Millenium Project on Legally and Physically Shaky Ground, It Seems

A state licensing board has begun an investigation of alleged professional misconduct by two engineers for the Millennium Hollywood Project. The investigations are in response to a complaint filed by project foes that the engineers distorted their technical reports in order to hide the project’s close proximity to...

Boies Will Be Boies, You Know, in a Same-Sex Marriage World

It was a pretty damned good time and place to be David Boies. The time: Less than 12 hours after the announced U.S. Supreme Court decision that reopened the doors to same-sex marriages in California. The place: A posh French bistro in Beverly Hills with more than a few guests celebrating the court’s ruling.

If You Spot One, This Is Take-a-Leopard-to-Lunch Day

All roads were leading to road-kill. And the carcasses of armadillos littering Texas highways. The architecture of Hindu-afterlife is tricky. How do you ever get out of its cycle? I mused. What if the Pope is right and...

On a Day When Armadillos Almost Got Me in Trouble

First of two parts. At last Saturday’s Beastly Ball gala at the L.A. Zoo, the animals did their best to amuse hundreds of guests who paid $1,000 a head to support their continued captivity, welfare and upkeep. Sort of like Folsom Prison inmates singing the blues to entertain taxpayers? Well, not really.

Returning from the Other Side of the World

I knew I was back in L.A. when – driving home from LAX – I heard Frank Stoltze, one of the city’s journalistic treasures, making a pledge drive pitch on KPCC. I knew I wasn’t fully back when I was welcomed home by...