Home Authors Posts by John Schwada

John Schwada


A Carson That Won’t Make You Laugh – NFL Stadium

Dateline Carson – Carson officials today showcased the growing coalition of neighboring cities and regional leaders now backing its NFL stadium project. They unveiled a...

Steamed Brentwood Protestors Finish Second to Archer Project

Archer School for Girls’ controversial, $100 million campus expansion project was approved by the Los Angeles City Council on Tuesday despite the serious concerns...

Residents Protest They Are Prisoners

Brentwood residents today are urging the Los Angeles City Council to oppose the Archer School for Girls' $100M building project. They warn that the massive...

Brentwood vs. Archer Over Building Plans

Brentwood residents say a massive campus building project planned by the Archer School for Girls will seriously worsen the gridlock on a 1.2 mile...

Recycling Wastewater, a Crucial Earth Day Message

As we celebrate the 45th anniversary of Earth Day tomorrow, the birth of the environmental movement, one major Southland water agency is making its...

Was NFL Player Swindled Out of $20 Million by Bank?

Star NFL defensive player Dwight Freeney today went public with a lawsuit alleging he was the target of an elaborate fraud scheme that was...

Attention Millenium: A Quake That Happens Every 200,000 Years

California’s top geologist has said the 6.0 earthquake in Napa Valley on Sunday surprised seismic scientists because it appears to be linked to an obscure fault previously deemed inactive. "We would not have predicted an earthquake on this particular fault,” Dr. John Parrish, the chief of the California Geological Survey, told Sacramento television station KCRA.

Latest on Millenium Project: Secret Drone Video by Opponents

Opponents of the controversial Millennium Hollywood mega-project today released video footage that lifts the cloak of secrecy surrounding a deep exploratory trench the Millennium developer is digging on its property to determine if the site of its proposed $650 million twin-skyscraper project is crossed by an earthquake fault, as many scientists believe. The dramatic video, available through this YouTube link, was shot from a small drone. It graphically shows ...

Earthquake at City Hall – Foes of Millenium Project Prevail

Dateline Hollywood – The Hollywood earthquake map released today by the California Geological Survey vindicates community groups that have been fighting a David vs. Goliath battle against City Hall’s assertions that no active earthquake fault runs through the proposed Millennium Hollywood project site.

What $4.7 Million (Almost) Can Buy You

Dateline Hollywood – The developer of the controversial Millennium twin-skyscraper project in Hollywood spent $649,341 on lobbyists in the run-up to a key Los Angeles City Council vote in July to approve the project despite warnings the two towers would – if ever built – likely be sitting on top of an active earthquake fault.