Home Authors Posts by John Q. Walsh

John Q. Walsh


Feuer’s Plan B: He Goes to Board of Sups, Kuehl Lands...

Mike Feuer’s recuperation from a serious car accident on Dec. 3, more than six weeks ago, is going much slower than expected. Major contributors to his campaign for Los Angeles City Attorney against incumbent Carmen Trutanich are refusing to throw good money after bad after seeing the most recent sagging poll numbers. In short: Mr. Feuer's campaign is on life support.

Guess Which Mayor Turns 60 in Two Days? Shall We Tipple...

Mayor Villaraigosa, please don’t avoid your own 60th birthday party!Festivities will be streaming live on Wednesday from Los Angeles City Hall. No joke. Be there or be square. National media invitation. Everyone is invited.

What Is Up, Mr. Feuer?

A Get Well Soon card addressed to Michael Feuer, Los Angeles City Attorney candidate.