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John Q. Walsh


Flash: Guess Who Is Running for President on the Female Ticket?

The Presidential race for 2016 already has started...on the sly. Why newly-elected U.S. Sen. Elizabeth Warren of Massachusetts is wasting her valuable time sending a non-constituent like me, in distant California, who happens to be on her financial contributors list, an email featuring the latest gossip about her trivial pursuits, such as cake-baking?

A ‘Mayor Villaraigosa for Pope’ Campaign – You May Call Him...

Seriously. Why not? According to Canon Law, any Catholic in good standing is eligible to hold the office of Pope. Antonio, widely known for his piety, would make a good fit.

I Am Begging You, Cardinal. Stay Home. Don’t Go to Rome.

Dear Cardinal Mahony, You have brought much scandal already upon Holy Mother the Church by your actions and inactions regarding pedophile priests under your jurisdiction in the Archdiocese of Los Angeles. In order not to bring much more world-wide scandal on all Catholics, please decide to stay...

Two Innocent Women Shot by LAPD – and the 'Times' Seems...

Emma Hernandez, 71, and her daughter Margie Carranza, 47, for years toiled slavishly for the Times. When one of them was shot twice in the back, Times Publisher Eddy Hartenstein turned his back on the both of them. For two days after the attack, he refused to even acknowledge in print that the two LAPD- targeted women worked for the Times.

Will Villaraigosa Yet Get His Way with Obama and Cabinet Job?

The Nooner, a Sacramento blog, features a juicy Sac Bee rumor that Los Angeles pol John Perez, portly-to-the max lookalike for New Jersey Guv Chris Christie, is on the list to be the the first openly gay Cabinet member in the Obama administration: Is L.A. Mayor Tony Villaraigosa furiously lobbying President Obama to choose nationally-unknown California Assembly Speaker John Perez, Villaraigosa's Big Butt first cousin, for Secretary of Labor.

Garcetti’s Shrinking Campaign Pays No Price for Hollywood Rape Spree

Sunday AM: Hollywood rape spree claims another minority victim – sparking no new media coverage of expanding Hollywood sex crimes. Los Angeles mayoral candidate Eric Garcetti overjoyed with absence of media coverage on his home Hollywood turf because it would be potentially damaging to his City Hall ambitions.

Is It Surprising City Council Supports Perry Insult of California?

Not a single Los Angeles City Council member yesterday opposed Texas Gov. Rick Perry's new attack on the California business climate. They were all quiet as church mice when it came to criticizing the governor.

Antonio Fibs About Cabinet Job – Puts Truth in the Washing...

Who is Antonio kidding about why he abruptly dropped out of the running for Secretary of Transportation – besides the Los Angeles Times reporters and editors of both sexes with whom he shamelessly flirts to obtain glowing coverage of his antics in the pages of their financially failing newspaper? TMZ took down Mayor Villaraigosa as sure as Captain Ahab went to war with Moby Dick!

Daily News Is Cooking a Scheme to Cut Back and Make...

You read it here first. Owner William Dean Singleton will make the big decision whether to lop...

Will Wesson Really Be the New Mayor in a Few Weeks?

Is someone named Herb Wesson about to become the next Mayor of Los Angeles? According to the City Charter, that is exactly what happens if Mayor Villaraigosa resigns to take a still-warm chair in the Obama cabinet as the next Secretary of Transportation, replacing outgoing Secretary Ray La Hood.