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John Q. Walsh


The Mayor Came Fashionably Dressed in a Stole (Joke)

A note to Kevin Roderick, editor of laobserved.com, about an item last Friday: Mayor Antonio is a born thief. A photo-shopped Mayor Villaraigosa, dressed as the Pope (by Miki Jackson), was posted as a joke on hollywoodhighlands.org a couple of days after Pope Benedict's resignation.

Beverly High Free of Faults, but Where Was the Times?

Thanks to the Gentile editor of the Beverly Hills Courier, Mr. Clif Smith, the Blood of Jewish Children shall not be sacrificed at Beverly Hills High School to satisfy the Century City real estate interests of Chicago-based JMB Realty, a firm which is close friends of President Obama and a closer friend of L.A. County Supervisor Zev (Wolf) Yaroslavsky.

City Council Turning into a Boys Club, but Only for a...

Yes, the chance of Los Angeles voting in a stag City Council on July 1 is great...Since most incumbent Councilmen have male chief deputies, the horseshoe and immediate surroundings already look like a crowded men's room!

Mayor Gives New Pope Francis I His Blessing – Does Not...

Visit hollywoodhighlands.org to see Mayor Villaraigosa in full papal regalia. The Mayor, we are told, came close this afternoon. Hollywoodhighlands.org predicted the next Pope would not be a European. Instead, the new Pope would be a native Latin American, a fluent speaker of Spanish, known to take the public bus to work, and he is the first Jesuit pope.

Lopez’s Lousy Idea Was Thought up by an Ol’ Quixote Named...

Don't bury local elections underneath presidential, gubernatorial and Congressional elections the way Steve Lopez at the Los Angeles Times wants you to do. Such a ridiculous cure-all would only backfire. Instead, let's bury the fruitless Steve Lopez campaign to abolish the January- to-May election season.

Flaunting His Power, (Mayor?) Garcetti Stiffs the Council Again

Eric Garcetti is one of the 15 highest paid City Council members in America. But here in Los Angeles, it is the unwritten policy of the City Council to pay themselves in full whether they show up to a Council meeting or not. Not even an excuse for non-attendance is now necessary to get paid by the city.

Garcetti’s Victory Party Descends into a Flat Tire

Face it: The truth is, Eric Garcetti, who finished first last night in the Los Angeles mayoralty voting but faces a runoff against City Controller Wendy Greuel, is deadly dull.

Saturday’s Times Poll Makes You Pinch Your Nose – at Least

Evidence shows that a poll predicting Prop. A winning in tomorrow’s Los Angeles primary election is a rush job scam, hatched by the Mayor, aided by the Los Angeles Times. Here's why the flawed USC-L.A. Times Poll produced results contradicting the non-partisan ABC-backed City Election Poll...

Boys of the LAPD Hide Behind Masks When They Patrol Skid...

Open letter of complaint to the ACLU and other civil libertarians seeking a legal action to stop on-duty LAPD officers from wearing masks while in uniform and on patrol in the lower-income Downtown community often referred to as Skid Row.

Trutanich-Feuer Race Dead Even, According to Poll

The City Attorney race is now dead even – 25 percent to 25 percent – between incumbent Carmen Trutanich and challenger Mike Feuer, according to the just-released ABC Poll. Nuch is losing steam. There's still 15 percent undecided...with only 11 days to go. Followed by a long, hard run-off. How can Carmen Baby get back on track?