Home Authors Posts by John Q. Walsh

John Q. Walsh


Is Tow Truck Driver Warming up to Sue the MTA?

Is the badly-injured tow truck driver involved in last Wednesday’s pre-dawn Fifth & Broadway collision planning to sue the MTA? Will MTA settle quickly out of court with Youssef Adhami for a hefty sum to avoid a trial?

Is the So-Touchy Times Playing Muslim Games Again with Alleged Deadly...

Dear Times Publisher Eddy Hartenstein: Please let us Los Angeles Times readers know what KNBC viewers have known since Wednesday about the 7-Eleven store Downtown bus killing.

Also For Shame: Mayor Villaraigosa Refuses to Join Bus Driver's Mourners

L.A. Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa and his fellow MTA Board members persist in refusing to join mourners in laying a funeral wreath at the 7-Eleven convenience store memorial site where esteemed longtime MTA bus operator Olivia Gamboa, 47, was killed at 5 a.m. yesterday when a tow truck driver allegedly ran a red light.

Why Did the Times Skirt the Muddy Truth About Grand Park...

Grand Park New Year’s Eve Bash for 2014 must be cancelled right away to avoid a repeat of this year’s scary Downtown chaos...except on a much, ahem, “grander” future scale.

For Shame – Gruesome Death of Driver Is No Big Deal...

At the MTA, its No. 1 concern appears to be covering its own tail, fearing a huge wrongful death lawsuit by the survivors of the deceased operator/driver of the death trap bus.

The Morning the L.A. Times Sneakily Tried to Drive Right Through...

Extra! Extra! Read all about it. Underground "sponsored content" invades the Los Angeles Times front page on June 1. Obey the Times’s hidden command: Buy a foreign electric auto. Times’ readers are blissfully unaware that they are currently being brainwashed into buying foreign automakers' Fiat, Honda and Nissan electric cars.

Does Eric Feel Gil-T?

Starting July 1, the most powerful politician in this city of four million is named Garcetti. His first name, however, is Gil. Not Eric. Over the next four years, forever-vigilant watchdog hollywoodhighlands.org will be incessantly nipping at all four of the incumbent mayors’ heels.

Despicable Real Purpose Behind Building Urban Transit Rail

Read here how the enemy talks among themselves when they believe we are unable to hear them prattling...The Hollywood Real Estate Mega-Speculators and their bought-and-paid-for local elected politicians openly concoct bald-faced lies for the general public to eat up, saying that the reason for subways and tall towers built next to their rail stops is to banish evil gridlock from Los Angeles.

Baaaaaa! Meet the Ultimate Black Sheep in the Pearlman Family

This is an open invitation to media worldwide to interview Los Angeles Community College Distrct Board of Trustees winner Ms. Nancy Pearlman about her unique relationship with her infamous nephew Adam Pearlman Gadahn. Mr. Gadahn is tied to the co-plotting of...

Welcome to Garcetti’s Crime-Free Paradise – Hah!

So LAPD Chief Charlie Beck cleans house, reassigning three of his deputies. Our website (hollywoodhighlands.org) issues this media challenge: Take a midnight tour of Eric Garcetti’s “crime-free” Hollywood. Who is too chicken out there to take an unarmed tour of violent crime sites that occurred, according to Crime-Mapping LA, over the past month?