Home Authors Posts by John Q. Walsh

John Q. Walsh


Feuer Has His Hands Full Because Somebody Else May Have

City Atty. Mike Feuer must reprimand his Dep. City Atty. Dion O'Connell for ensnaring himself in the sexual harassment scandal emanating from the stained-carpeted passageways of Los Angeles City Hall.

The (L.A.) Times in Which We Live Ain’t Very Astute

Congratulations to Los Angeles Times reporters Dan Weikel and Laura J. Nelson: Your editors were free to let you loose once the national media initially broke the story of the Keystone Cops’ approach of Patrick Gannon’s LAX police officers.

Bulletin for Wheezing Huizar: Don’t Prolong the Agony. Leave Now.

Jose Huizar, resign from Los Angeles City Council right away – for the good of the city, for the good of your family, for your own good, too. Resign now, Mr. Huizar.

You Blew Autumn Leaves, Frank. You Are So Very Average.

Congratulations. Relax everybody. Now that Mr. Frank Stoltze at KPCC (89.3) is the first MSM reporter to crack the ice on this very controversial Ms. Autumn Burke story...the rest of the MainStream Media is free to cover all of the embarrassing details that inevitably will emerge – without getting into hot water with the White House.

Hizzoner and Her Honor in No Danger of Breaking Record for...

Kind Web Visitors: Which member of the L.A. City Council has been carrying on a hot and heavy sex affair that the victim/spouse being grossly cheated on is ever so blissfully unaware of? Some advice to the cuckolded mate: Check your significant other's dirty laundry for...

Perilous to be Walking While Black in Hollywood

Bring back Villaraigosa, even if he has gone into banking. Maybe the ex-mayor can restore order to L.A. Gangsters took over Hollywood Boulevard on Tuesday night, terrorizing tourists and other pedestrians because Mayor Garcetti...

Last Chance Tonight to Wave G’bye

Anti-Hollywood street-crime bloggers will challenge soon-to-be ex-mayor tonight at Hizzoner’s tour bus stop in front of the Hollywood and Vine Street Subway Station at 8:30. Media and the general public are invited to join our maverick website (hollywoodhighlands.org) in...

Frightening Warning for Hollywood Tourists Who Want to be Here Tomorrow

Dateline Hollywood and Highlands – Maverick Hollywood website (hollywoodhighands.org) cautions future Hollywood tourists: Pack a pistol for personal protection. Apply for a gun permit before arriving here. Do money-lending tourists now need to carry a loaded gun in order to walk safely down Hollywood Boulevard and protect their bankroll?

How Much Is Too Much? – $4.2M to Settle

Los Angeles City Council unanimously approves City Atty. Carmen Trutanich’s recommendation of $4.2 million to seal the lips of two minority victims of LAPD’s gun-crazy shoot-up in a South Bay suburb during the manhunt for ex-officer Chris Dorner last winter. This proves to be a stupendous victory for...

Tangled Calderon Legal Web Stretches Trap to S.F., Poor, Ol’ Judge...

Please don’t throw out the Calderon baby with the Central Basin District bath water. Are the triple-threat Calderon Brothers indirectly funneling money to the Hon. Quentin Kopp, former S.F. Supervisor, former state senator, former judge, by way of his offspring, Shepard Kopp, Esq.?