Home Authors Posts by John Q. Walsh

John Q. Walsh


Antonio Should Go Fishing – Zilch Chance for a Sacto Comeback

is the time of year veteran reporters call the Silly Season, at the end of the year when nothing much news-worthy is happening. So dumb news articles get written by reporters desperate to fill the empty space around the big holiday newspaper ads...this one by Dan Siders that was reprinted here yesterday. My mother has about as much chance of getting elected the next governor of California as ...

Naming Metro Station for Zev? Why? Outrageous. Egotistical.

The MTA Board on Thursday plans to re-name a couple of MTA rail stations after outgoing, term-limited Zev Yaroslavsky and Gloria Molina. Thereby they will clearly establish a precedent that each and every L.A. County Supervisor upon departure from a seat on the MTA Board shall have an MTA rail station duly dedicated in his or her honor, with the MSM ignoring the protest against such an MTA Board move; instead looking on approvingly or silently.

Protestors of Arms-to-Israel Arrested at Feinstein’s Office

By electronicintifada.net via John Walsh. A group of Palestine solidarity activists in Los Angeles, including human rights defenders and members of the clergy, were arrested yesterday after being forcibly removed from a peaceful sit-in at the local offices of U.S. Sen. Dianne Feinstein (D-Ca). Estee Chandler of Jewish Voice for Peace was among four of 12 activists who were arrested just after 2:20 p.m.

Future of Prop. 43 Water Bond – It Should Be Drowned

Twenty million good reasons to vote No on Prop. 43, one for each gallon of clean water that went down the UCLA drain last week due to LADWP political disregard of water pipe maintenance and repair! Dark Brown Water Bond stinking to high heaven! Flush it away!

The Truth Behind Waxman’s Abrupt ‘See Ya!’

Congressman Henry Waxman, out of the blue, cancels himself out after receiving some bad news at his annual physical checkup. The 40-year veteran seeks a news media cover-up over his poor-health decision to abruptly pull out of D.C.

LAPD in One Corner, Truth in the Other. May I Introduce...

Only Los Angeles Times’s editors, reporters and publisher have seen the unedited video version of the Mayor's auto accident, which "accidentally" was caught by the Times’s surveillance camera on the northwest corner of 2nd and Spring. The version released online by the Times is heavily edited. Even that version was strong enough to catch LAPD in a flatfooted lie.

No Going Baca on His Word: Sheriff Lee’s Days Are Over

Don't Cry, Leroy. How super-sad. Especially the distressing part of your so-long-it's-been-good-to-know-ya speech to the anxious, assembled troops where you got so super-choked-up with self-pity and almost started whimpering.

Times Are Raw and Hurting at the L.A. Times. They Blow...

The Los Angeles Times did not post the Sheriff Lee Baca “retirement” story until 11 o’clock last night – after a Times reporter received the same tipoff as we did from a member of the County Board of Supervisors, and KABC-7 did, too. Times Publisher Eddy Hartenstein had planned on...

A Judicial Ruling That Saved Hollywood

A judge has dealt a major blow to the Los Angeles real estate Mafia's efforts to cravenly spur huge commercial development in many parts of Historic Hollywood. He called a new zoning plan for the area "fatally flawed," and said the document should be repealed.

Two Anti-Fracking Protests Today by MoveOn.org

Gov. Brown will be in Los Angeles this afternoon for a high-dollar fundraising event for his 2014 re-election campaign, and we've got two opportunities to keep up the pressure on him to ban fracking in California.