Home Authors Posts by John Q. Walsh

John Q. Walsh


Walsh and Where: Look Who Gave Times a Bath

In reality, the reason for David Ryu's un-surprising victory over Carolyn Ramsay for the last Los Angeles City Council seat was:  * The support...

Walsh and Where: Hollywood Presbyterian Church, That’s Where

On Saturday morning at 10 o’clock inside of the Hollywood Presbyterian Church Hall, we promise to hold the  largest NIMBY celebration in recorded history. We...

Walsh & Where: Hiccup! I’ll Have One More Drink

Poor ex-Los Angeles Times political columnist Bill Boyarsky had his hands more than full trying to rein in Hizzoner From the Past. Hizzoner From the...

Walsh & Where: Circus Disco Is Doomed

Frontiers’ Karen Ocamb scoops everyone with owner Gene La Pietra's plan to demolish his own historic Hollywood Circus Disco on Santa Monica Boulevard for...

Walsh & Where? Times Raids Hubbard’s Cupboard. Shame

The Los Angeles Times declares war on the Church of Scientology in Hollywood. Are Times publisher Austin Beutner and his loyal editor Mr. Shelby Grad...

Walsh & Where: I Am Waiting, Gay Guys

Sodomite Suppression Act Blowback. If state Atty. Gen. Kamala Harris, U.S. Senate candidate, fails to stop this outrageously homophobic petition, be assured this website...

Walsh & Where: Hollywood Steps in Race Trouble Again

Take a really good look. The image of the great entertainer Mr. Stepin Fetchit is allowed to be gouged and remain absolutely filthy while...

Walsh & Where: That Alarcon Girl Is Back

Re: “Latest on Alarcon: Found Huddled in Underground Garage? Shame, Mr. Mayor”  Ex-L.A. Public Works Chairwoman Ms. Andrea Alarcon's previously lost daughter nowhere in sigh,...

Walsh & Where: Ain’t Beutner a Beaut?

PC/right-wing L.A. Times Publisher Mr. Austin Beutner orders his ever-obedient and consistently docile editor-in-chief as well as his lowly reporters to steadfastly ignore any and all...

Walsh ‘n Where: Here Come the Reds

The Revolutionary Communist Party USA (RCP) has just called for a general strike in the city of Los Angeles on Tuesday, April 14, to...