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Brown’s Foolish Insistence That Budget Woes Are Past History

In a recent press conference, Gov. Brown announced a "balanced" California budget. At the same time, he admitted a "wall of debt" remains. If so, the budget is not balanced. Either Gov. Moonbeam has been hanging out in the sun too long, or he thinks that any news would be good news. Since voters have endured darker, leaner times for so long, he reasons voters will take anything as a ray of light.

Main Street Conservatism, Not Wall Street, Is What Republicans Are About

Not Republicans, but the GOP elites deserve to lose, those who follow the money instead of paying attention to policies and principles in the interests of the party and the country. The New England Elite of Nelson Rockefeller did not serve the GOP then or now. Not Wall Street elitism, or Goldwater extremism, but Main Street conservatism is what the Republican Party is about, a Reagan Revolution based on cutting spending and taxes, not just fighting against Communists.

A Bushel of Plum GOP Ideas, if Only Dems Will Tune...

California syndicated columnist Thomas Elias has witnessed the purpling of California. Now the state is as blue as the Pacific Ocean, or as blue as a corpse, depending on the decisions our leaders make in Sacramento. Whether the fate and future of the state and its fast dwindling people will stick around is another matter altogether.

Rebuttal, Please: Romney Lost Because He Did Not Believe Himself”

Re “Romney Could Not Ever Match Obama’s Dollar Giveaways”

Offering a Strategy for a GOP Comeback in ’14 and Beyond

In 2012, Republicans witnessed President Obama win re-election in spite of stagnant unemployment, a record number of welfare recipients (including food stamps), and a failing foreign policy.

A Word of Encouragement for All, Not Just Republicans

"I believed; therefore, I have spoken.” (Psalm 116: 10)

Speaker Boehner: Enough Is Enough. Call Obama’s Bluff on Fiscal Cliff.

The fiscal cliff is looming in Washington D.C., and soon the Bush tax cuts will expire, followed by a massive sequester of domestic spending, one trillion dollars’ worth of cuts divided out over ten years.