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Evidence President Does Not Really Care About Black People

Rapper Kayne West has one ongoing groove of doing and saying obnoxious things. He styled himself as Jesus Christ on the cover of Rolling Stone magazine. He stole the limelight from a young breakout artist named Taylor Swift at the MTV Music Video Awards. Like a spoiled child, seared with self-pity, he tacitly apologized in a private telephone call, then justified himself further on morning talk shows the day after.

GOP History Is Replete With Support of Black Ideals

Republican Edward Brooke was the first popularly elected African-American U.S. Senator. He defeated an incumbent Democrat for the seat in 1966, a watershed year for Republicans. He represented Massachusetts from 1966 to 1978, even though today Massachusetts has few high-ranking Republicans in office. Brooke's legacy as a loyal Republican exposes the "dark vein of ignorance" in former General Colin Powell's remark on "Face the Nation" about minorities and the Republican Party.

Message to Sen. Lieu: Take Care of Non-Furry Californians, Too

Since setting up "Ted Lieu Watch," I have exposed the legal and political interests of state Sen. Ted Lieu (D-Torrance). From his attempt to triple California's car tax, to the minor arguments about tanning salons, abandoned ships, and all of those bills about animals – protecting bears from hunting dogs, micro-chipping pets, banning private pet sales – more Californians should wonder whether Lieu needs to be recalled, held accountable, or kicked out of office.

A California Conservative’s Openly Gay Dilemma

I like Kevin James, the hilarious actor from “The King of Queens.” He also played an inept boyfriend in “Hitch,” then a security guard in “Mall Cop.” There is another Kevin James whom I want to like: The lawyer, radio host and Republican mayoral candidate. He is openly gay. Unlike Seinfeld and friends, I believe that there is “something wrong with that.”

Time for Republicans to Develop a Spine When They Are Called...

Here is the classic taunt among Democrats:
 "The Republican Party needs to broaden its tent." Or how about this one?
 "The Republican Party needs to accept RINOS -- Republicans in Name Only." 
Other terms have suggested the party needs to go easy on the social issues, that the party needs to be “less bigoted,” to get rid of its "dark vein of intolerance," as moderate black Republican Colin Powell suggested on an episode of "Meet the Press." 

The Republican Party does not need to broaden its tent.

Democratic Party I Liked Then Is the Republican Party I Like...

I loved Democrats, at least when they cared about the little guy – or I guess the term nowadays is the 99 Percent. I loved Democrat Thomas Jefferson. He refused to spend money on military expansion, even though Congress had appropriated the funds. Jefferson looked at public debt as a great evil, one no government should permit. Jefferson supported...

An Evening with Waxman and Other Disagreeable People

Jan. 30: Congressman Henry Waxman gave a Town Hall meeting at the Hermosa Beach Playhouse. The South Bay Democratic clubs sponsored the event. Would I be shut down in Hermosa Beach, just as Rabbi Yossi of the Jewish Community Center refused to let me speak two months ago? Despite preliminary jitters, I decided to attend. If those Democrats shut me down, I would have something to write about (and perhaps take them to court, too.)

GOP Badly Needs a Leader with a Vision, Not an Attack...

With no leadership, with no vision, political parties perish. Since 2008, the Republican Party has lacked unifying leadership. During the 2008 election, Arizona Sen. John McCain was an also-ran. For months, he was running for office on a shoestring. Sen. McCain was one of many somber candidates, all of whom served as an unforeseen dress rehearsal for the weak Presidential candidates’ field of in 2012...

A New Public Enemy No. 1 Can Rescue GOP and Conserve...

Conservative scion William F. Buckley established the National Review to rescue respect for tradition, the submission of human nature, and the federalism of the Constitution from the John Birch Society. Buckley made conservatism academic, respectable and anti-Communist. After Communism was consigned to the ash heap of history, the Republican Party held onto Congressional power throughout the 1990s, until 2007, When accusations of internecine corruption brought down Congressional Republicans, for the first time in nearly two decades Democrats came to power. Why did the Republican brand go bland?

With Waxman Here, Isn’t It Time for ‘Occupy Manhattan Beach’?

U.S. Rep. Henry Waxman is setting up a South Bay office off Rosecrans Avenue, Manhattan Beach. The real estate is an ideal location, on the border between El Segundo and Manhattan Beach, near the aerospace industries as well as the Beach Cities. Someone ought to set up shop outside of his office and demand that he address the following issues...