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A Two-Man Model for the Right Way and the Wrong Way

Unlike U. S. Rep. Waxman (D-Los Angeles/South Bay), Rep. Issa (R-La Jolla) is leading the fight for our country. While Mr. Waxman was investigating lead in toys and steroid abuse in baseball, Mr. Issa has followed up major scandals, that have been erupting to a heated pitch in the last week.

His Administration Is a Sideshow of Scandal

President Obama has taken nothing seriously during his administration, not the United States Constitution, not the checks and balances of the federal government, not the will or the voice of the American people. He does not even take the press seriously, according to recent revelations of the Dept. of Justice seizure of A.P. phone records.

How Much Has Waxman Truly Contributed to Our Welfare?

What has U.S. Rep. Henry Waxman (D-Westside/South Bay) fought for? And who is winning?

All That Glittered in the Eighties Was Hardly Gold

The Republican Party establishment parades standard-bearer Ronald Reagan as the man who brought down Big Government. At some point, Establishment party leaders eventually will distribute “What Would Reagan Do?” wristbands. Under Reagan, the growth of government slowed, but it did not stop. Aside from Reagan’s first hundred days of major tax cuts, little was done to diffuse the entitlement bomb that is menacing our country's fiscal future.

Political Reality Trumps Rhetoric in South Carolina

Two nights ago, Mark Sanford (R-South Carolina) captured the vacated First Congressional District, which straddles the rugged coastline of his native Palmetto state. Prognosticators on the right and post-mortem pundits on the left will dish and decide the pertinent and importune elements of this closely watched race, starring a former governor recovering from a marital scandal.

The Republican Problem Is a Six-Letter Word

The Republican Party is facing soul-searching following the crushing loss in 2012. Should the party be more gay friendly? Move to the center on key social issues, like abortion and gun control? The Republican Party has turned into a tired bastion of rich, old, white men who control Wall Street and contort national policy to suit their minute yet elite interests.

At His Library Unveiling, Deciding on a Grade for Bush 43

Ever since President Herbert Hoover, former chief executives have placed their imprint on history through their own libraries. President George W. Bush certified his own last week at Southern Methodist University in Dallas.

The Right and Wrong Sides of History 

I recently contacted a local writer about Republicans in Santa Monica. I shared with him about impressing on U.S. Rep. Henry Waxman (D-Westside, South Bay) to move on behalf of our veterans since Waxman supposedly has represented the Brentwood VA ever since he entered Congress in the mid-1970s. The writer’s response did not address homeless veterans but, rather, his previous connections with the Congressman.

The Right and Wrong Sides of History 

I recently contacted a local writer about Republicans in Santa Monica. I shared with him about impressing on U.S. Rep. Henry Waxman (D-Westside, South Bay) to move on behalf of our veterans since Waxman supposedly has represented the Brentwood VA ever since he entered Congress in the mid-1970s. The writer’s response did not address homeless veterans but, rather, his previous connections with the Congressman.

Get the Wrong People to do the Right Thing

In blue states like California and Illinois, among others, Republicans feel blue. Independents and disaffected Democrats may not fare much better. Who can blame them? Surrounded by a rising flood of liberalism, it is drowning their states in the wrong red, as in ink, because of fiscal follies degenerating into damning bankruptcies.