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Temptingly Encouraging Permanent Reliance on Government

The House of Representatives just passed a farm bill that removes further funding from SNAP, the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program. Let’s snap to it and tell it like it is: The Republican-led House is cutting welfare funding for food stamps. Like many government initiatives, this originally was intended to...

Examining the Legacy of George W. Obama

Following revelations of the Obama administration spying on the telephone phone records and internet activity by millions of Americans, the Christian Science Monitor ran this headline: “George W. Obama? With NSA spying, Obama feels wrath of the left.” An ally of anything Left-leaning, with little left for the well-thinking right to contemplate, The Huffington Post huffed and puffed condemnation, ashamed anyone would demean the current President.

Bully Rahm Emmanuel Gets Bullied

Rahm Emmanuel, the Democratic mayor of Chicago, has a lot of issues. As a kid, he was a bully. An associate of his shared that in yesteryears, he loved to beat up kids and take their money. His desire to take people's money has not gone away with time. As a state legislator, then a Congressman, Rahm loved to go "Bam! Bam!" among his colleagues. A tax-and-spend liberal-progressive, he became...

Gay Marriage – Not About Fairness or Progress

With gay wedding bells ringing across the land about the Supreme Court's decision to strike down the Defense of Marriage Act and California's Prop. 8, the battle, the digression over homosexuality, marriage and the proper scope of the state has not changed for the better. The two rulings handed down by the Supreme Court invalidated a popular initiative to amend the California state constitution. The Court said nothing about other states that have barred gay marriage. Thirty-seven still have laws on their books recognizing marriage as between one man and one woman. How long they remain cannot be known.

Christie Is Giant Proof, One Man Can’t Save a Country

Four years ago, U.S. Atty. Chris Christie became the governor of New Jersey following the failed plutocrat Jon Corzine, who had bought his way into the U.S. Senate and then the governor’s mansion in Trenton. He was refreshing, bombastic but breezy when compared to the hot air of the Obama administration and other agencies committed to making Big Government larger.

Massachusetts Republicans Need to Cultivate a Split Personality

The Massachusetts Senate election yesterday, pitting longtime U.S. Rep. Edward Markey against newcomer Gabriel Gomez for the last 17 months of John Kerry’s term, attracted political heat, but voters were cool about the whole thing.

Government Expansion Makes Libertarians Want to Go Other Way

In the United States, the libertarianism impulse has been on the rise these past few months. With the expansion of government power the persistence of government overreach rises. Even liberals who had cheered uncompromisingly for President Obama in 2008 and in 2012 now want...

An Argument for Pulling Back from Syria

How many foreign forays will it take before the United States diplomatic corps starts to see that we cannot control the world. We cannot police the nations. No country, no matter how armed, can put down or end the political-ethnic-tribal turmoil churning up the Middle East. Yet Republicans and Democrats in Washington today argue that the United States has a vested interest in...

The Race for Kerry’s Seat Feels Like a Slow Walk

This year seems like 2010 again in Massachusetts where residents will endure another special election. Three years ago they replaced the lionizing liberal Ted Kennedy, whose untimely demise was a Big Win for the GOP and the rest of the country, permitted Scott Brown, an unknown state senator from Wrentham, to...

Since Politicians are Human, Keep Power Out of Their Flawed Hands

Politicians amplify the flaws of human nature – the bent of compromise in place of conviction, heeding the interests of the majority instead of the truth, whether the numbers add up to more votes or not. Recalling Lord Acton, power of any kind in the hands of one or the few, even for a limited time, tends to...