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Hark, Unity Has Landed – I Agree with Holder and Bass

Predictably, U.S. Rep. Karen Bass (D-Culver City) applauded the Justice Dept.’s Monday announcement it intends to relax prosecution of federal low-level drug offenses. Unlike her previous appeals to extend food stamps, to protect entitlements such as Social Security and Medicare, without a plan for shoring up drastically diminishing funds, and despite frequently invoking charges of racism, Ms. Bass’s pleas for bipartisanship are...

Thank You, LAPD. Cops Hand GOP a Handful of Juicy Issues

Based on internal reports, according to the Associated Press, the LAPD is directing officers to lay off arresting Angelenos for misdemeanors, instead directing them to issue mere infractions.

Frankly My Dear, Here Is a Weiner Who Should Be Roasted

The legendary 19th century Prussian leader Otto Von Bismarck once said that “laws are like sausages. It is better not to see them being made.” He was dicing up the Berlin Reichstag at the time, a hot dog stand of corporate collusion and military munching. He was referring to the sleazy backroom deals and greasy appropriations that lawmakers take to get a law passed. Today, Bismarck would declare that New York City has turned into a...

Speaker Perez, Will You Marry Me?

Before taking the reins of the state Assembly, Speaker John Perez (D-Los Angeles) represented the United Food and Commercial Workers and later was political director for the California Labor Federation. Situated in safe Democratic districts in East Los Angeles, Mr. Perez became the perfect replacement for Karen Bass, his predecessor in the speakership. Ms. Bass replaced retired U.S. Rep. Diane Watson (D-Culver City) in 2010.

Meet a Dedicated Republican Lady Who Travels Great Distances

Dottie Martin, a native of San Diego and resident of Hawthorne, home of the Beach Boys, has been a frequent, faithful volunteer for the California Republican party. A member of the Beach Cities Republicans Club, Ms. Martin also attends the Lincoln Club, which meets in Torrance once a month.

When You Are Called Uncle, It Should Be a Term of...

What do you imagine when you hear the names of former Congressman Allen West, Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas and radio host Larry Elder? I see three strong, capable African-Americans of faith. They believe in free markets, in free enterprise, in free people. Their liberal peers see sellouts, modern-day slaves reintegrating themselves into a plantation of white supremacy. Denigratingly, they call them...

If Dr. King Could Only Speak This Morning

In denouncing the George Zimmerman verdict, civil rights leaders ignore the improved race relations in this country. Instead of telling people the truth of African Americans’ improved lives, opportunities and standing, black leaders like the Rev. Al Sharpton...

The Farmer Who Rallied the GOP

Last Nov. 6 was a day that still stings for Republicans, conservatives, and anyone who does not like President Obama. Facing a winning field for the U.S. Senate, a stronghold on the House of Representatives, and an incumbent President with a terrible domestic and foreign policy record, Republicans were poised to...

But What Would Rosa Parks Say?

Earlier this year, the House of Representatives honored the civil rights heroine Rosa Parks with a commemorative statue in the Capitol. I wonder if U.S. Rep. Karen Bass (D-Culver City) took time to visit the unveiling and share her sentiments.

Finger of Blame Points to the Left on Racism Charge

For decades, the accepted political discourse has held that through racism, black people are being put down by conservatives and the Republican party. These indictments are fatuous in too many ways to count. Let’s start with the term black. What does it mean?