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Look at What These Three Mismatches Have in Common

Australia, Norway and Colorado are as much alike as black and white. Except, in the past week conservative politicians scored major upset victories, which should convince Republicans in America that limited government, classical liberal values, can win. It takes the right campaign resources, the right technology and campaign strategies, and not necessarily a great deal of money.

Weather Report: It Was Raining Boos at Maxine Waters’s Town Hall

U.S. Rep. Maxine Waters (D-Gardena) hosted at a town hall the other day at St. John Church, El Camino Village, Crenshaw Boulevard. Before she spoke, I debated three liberal activists from Torrance, all armed with “No War in Syria” placards. I agreed with their anti-interventionist stance. Following the redistricting efforts of 2011, residents in east Torrance ended up in the new 43rd Congressional district, where Ms. Waters cruised to re-election against an unprepared Democrat, Bob Flores. They liked the change for the liberal. My neighborhood got stuck with Henry Waxman in the 33rd district.

We Have a Line for You, Mr. President, as in the...

“If you cross this line, you better be prepared to kill me” – Trained military assassin Aaron Hallam, played by Benicio del Toro, in 2003’s thriller The Hunted. Mr. Hallam was threatening the military instructor L. T. Bonham, played by Tommy Lee Jones. Mr. Bonham was a former army leader who had trained Mr. Hallam into a lethal assassin has gone berserk, killing indiscriminately. Throughout the film, Mr. Bonham must neutralize Mr. Hallam to prevent his murder spree.

Bulging Prisons, the Symbol of What Is Wrong with Our State

After serving two terms in the 1970s and’80s, Gov. Brown re-entered office in 2010 with a 10-point margin over Ebay CEO Meg Whitman, a pro-choice and now pro-gay marriage Republican. She had promised her business savvy would turn California around. After spending millions on advertising (including a commercial showing Bill Clinton accusing Mr. Brown of trying to undo Prop. 13), Ms. Whitman still could not win. In retrospect, Mr. Brown actually got...

Waxman to Voters: Look What I Have Done for You

U.S. Henry Waxman (D- South Bay) is prepping for 2014. He has more to worry about, not just because of Congress’s sagging approval ratings, but the rising opposition to his signature legislation, the Affordable Care Act. Here are statements from his letter e-blasted last week...

Fast Food Workers Are Fed Up – Our Minds, Stomachs Are,...

Last Thursday, a day of fast-food rage flooded (or dripped like slow, dirty cooking oil) onto American streets. In spite of all the Happy Meals they are selling, these workers were not happy. The "How may I help you?" employees were in a bad mood, unwilling to take orders.

The Value of Keeping It Local

Polling for the next President has turned into habit of political pundits who want to avoid the present. On countless websites, conservative and liberal, advertisements and petitions are asking our thoughts about who will be the contenders. One attack ad has tied New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie to Texas Gov. Rick Perry as anti-choice, anti-woman. I have peered into so many polls it is appalling, not to mention unappealing. Why would anyone spend so much time wondering who the next President will be when the current President is doing all sorts of things, many not apparent?

Happily, Krauthammer’s Version of Neo-Conservatism Sinking for the Final Time

Washington Post columnist Charles Krauthammer is one of the most compelling minds in newsprint. His caution and his craft bring a medical precision to political debate. A former liberal and onetime speechwriter for Vice President Walter Mondale, Mr. Krauthammer converted to the right side after reading of Harvard Prof. Charles Murray Read’s work Losing Ground that documented, then denounced, the American welfare system. Prof. Murray’s research convinced Mr. Krauthammer to...

I Wish Tanaka Had Waited to Run for the Assembly

I have, or at least had, a Paul Tanaka crush. In a Griffith Park press conference, retired – not ousted – County Undersheriff Paul Tanaka announced his run for Sheriff against his former boss Lee Baca. A Republican, the mayor of Gardena thrice elected, Mr. Tanaka did not campaign actively in that Democratic stronghold, yet...

If You Are Not a Democrat, You Are Not Welcome,...

U.S. Rep. Henry Waxman (D-South Bay) visited South Torrance last night.
Supporters in large arrays attended the gathering at Arjay Plaza, at the intersection of Hawthorne and Lomita boulevards. The forum was advertised in the Daily Breeze.
Even though the ad indicated it was a town hall for South Bay residents, some constituents were not allowed to attend.