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A Slightly Skeptical Perspective on the Community

Another interlude in my life that, well, makes me stroke my chin and go “Hmmm.”

I Am Waiting to Hear Back from the School District

Another interlude in my life that, well, makes me stroke my chin and go “Hmmm.”

Keeping an Eye on Our Dollars as They Are Wheeled Away

Culver City’s only two elected bodies, who seem to regard each other as rivals, have talked about meeting far more frequently than they ever convene.

Responding to a Critic

When I read Tuesday’s article by Mr. George Laase, my first reaction was anger.

Last week I read his attack on Mr. “Z,” and I wanted to respond then.

The Routing of Seehusen

I have received an email regarding my article http://www.thefrontpageonline.com/new/articles1-6911/ForMeHisHandshakeWasaTipoff I have received a handful of emails in response to the many articles published...

I Don’t Have to be Politically Correct

I made a promise at my very first Candidates Forum during the School Board campaign. “Ambushed.”

For Me, His Handshake Was a Tipoff

I have purposefully been missing in action.

What I Learned as a Candidate

Now I know why I did not stand a chance of winning a seat in the Culver City School Board race this month.

How do you feel about the election numbers?