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If You Don’t Mind, I Will Offer a Critical Word

Not quite a “do-nothing” School Board, but it’s close.

Time for a revolution.

Greg Smith Was Correct

Dear Mr. Greg Smith. I have read your latest and now I know what has happened with me and the School Board. http://www.thefrontpageonline.com/new/articles1-9441/FireDeptIsNo1PoliceDeptIsNo2

School Board and Redevelopment Agency: Stupidity Is the Winner

I have been wanting to respond to several articles recently published In The Front Page Online, but time remains a factor. Lately there has been a snowball effect with the City Council dba the Redevelopment Agency and the School Board. Between the two, whew! It’s like trying to keep up with drops of water on a red hot grill. STUPIDITY has no limitations.

To Cole: Do You Believe Teachers Should Pay to Work in...

Responding to Karen Cole’s unwarranted attack on David Mielke, the President of the Teachers Union, last Friday. I will call you Ms. Cole, out of courtesy. (My parents taught me that I did not always have to let people know what I was thinking.) Ms. Cole (are you really Sandi Levine, by any chance?) states that she guesses she is a bit confused. She always thought that schools should focus on teaching children. The better we teach our children, the better our futures.

Citizens and Selected Officials Want the Other Side to Stay Ignorant

Dear Mr. Jay Handal. It appears you are the regular voice for the Culver City residents. I would like to comment on your article. First I would like to make a major “typo” correction to your statement. Who “elected” the neighbors to make decisions about affordable housing?Correction: "SELECTED.” That’s politics in Culver City.

Looking Closer at Why Pappas Was Right

First of two parts

Regarding Vice Mayor Mehaul O’Leary’s response last Friday to activist Tony Pappas’s dramatic appearance before the City Council on Monday, Dec. 13:

Responding to Pappas: O’Leary, if Elevated, Pledges Tighter Rules