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As for Me and My Three Votes, It Was a Lovely...

Campaigning is not as easy as it appears. Many groups and organizations request your time. If you have a regular job, forget it. Let’s get to the Democratic Corral Forum last week Approximately 60 attendees. Five years ago while walking for the School Board, I was ...

My Opening Forum as a City Council Candidate

Second of two parts. The next question from a senior was: The Fourth of July fireworks have been moved. Is it possible to get them back? I miss all the visitors to my home.

My First Forum as a City Council Candidate

I was surprised at the light turnout of citizens for last week’s candidates forum, courtesy of the Culver City Senior Center. It must be hard to get excited about the reruns of promises, promises and more promises.

Candidate Abrams Responds to Accusation of Plagiarism

Editor’s Note: After a letter-writer yesterday accused City Council candidate Gary Abrams of plagiarism, Mr. Abrams filed the following response.

There Is Only One Council Candidate Like Me

City Council elections are important. The local level is where we, as residents, should have the most impact on the day-to-day lives of ourselves and our neighbors. Voters should determine how our tax dollars are spent, determine what takes priority – roads, safety, and education. I look forward to starting a conversation with you and your family, to hear about...

Still Asking – Why Can’t the City Council Help Out Schools?

It has been a couple of weeks since the selected public officials – mayors, past present or future, School Board presidents (and attorneys, past or present) set out to find the so-called law that prohibits the City Council from assisting the schools. One former mayor invoked this mythical law in public at a hastily scheduled City Council meeting to vote for...

We Seem to Have a Slight Disagreement

Dear Mr. George Laase, I guess the last truth serum inoculation I gave you in 2009 must have worn off. I admit that you are correct this time. It has been four years now since I read the numbers. Must have confused 64.03 percent on subsidized lunches for students. Remember, I am old school. We rounded off. I knew you would come through. Need some numbers? Call George.

Welcome to a Grizzly World That I Know Too Well

Dear Ms. Claudia Vizcarra, Welcome to the crude world of Culver City politics. I, too, was endorsed by the Teachers Union. I had an array of platforms, and I had mentioned the non-equity funding of the Title I schools. (Seventy percent of students are on subsidized lunches.) I had many articles published in this news outlet. I thought that...

Farewell Natatorium, and to Others After the Election

Dear Natatorium, RIP. This School Board selection has nailed the coffin shut. Culver Park Continuation School, here they come. I am writing on your behalf because...