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Eric Wattree


Ways in Which Dr. King Made Differences

The United States of America has honored only four men in history by declaring the day of their birth a national day of celebration — Jesus Christ, George Washington, Christopher Columbus, and Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., a man whose forebears were brought to these shores in chains. That says a lot about this humble black man.

Clear Evidence of a GOP Conspiracy to Enslave America

Indulging in conspiracy theories has been a tradition in American politics. Fortunately, most theories, such as the exposed birther notion, are the wishful thinking of overzealous and diehard special-interest groups. There has been a consequence to our repeated tendency to cry wolf. When credible evidence of a legitimate conspiracy comes to the fore, we yawn and ignore.

Mr. Obama, Please Emancipate Postal Workers, the Middle Class

We thought it would be instructive if we reprised part of a December 2009 essay when we wrote a series pointing out that the U. S. Postal Service was a microcosm of America. To ignore the plight of its employees would be a slap at middle class workers.

Surely No One Is Abel to Take Cain Seriously

Herman Cain claims the reason Black people won’t support him is that they’ve been brainwashed. Many conservatives are saying Cain is President Obama’s worst nightmare. I would love to have been in the White House when those statements came out. In spite of Obama’s laid-back demeanor, I’d be willing to bet he was laughing so hard that he was rolling on the floor of the Oval Office in tears.

We Know Who the Real Enemy Is

People all over the world are fighting to regain their right to self-determination. Their efforts are bolstered by American tax dollars and the precious blood of our youth in many cases. .

How Politicians Get People to Vote Against Their Interests

Watching the Republican debates the other night, I was astounded by how many people were applauding proposed policies that would cut their throats.

Six Years Later, and How Much Has Changed?

This is a reprise of a December 2005 essay. At the time, I predicted what we’re going through today. I don’t claim to be a prophet, but the signals were clear. Today the same is true. It is hard to fathom why Tavis Smiley and Cornel West are spending so much time stating the obvious. Why don’t they tell us what we need to hear as a people and present a plan of action — unless you take into account their own self-interest.

Is Postal Service Budget More Important Than Employees?

According to a reliable source, on Tuesday, Aug. 2, when the employees showed up for work at the U.S. Postal Service’s Los Angeles International Service Center, they were greeted by a note on the time clock instructing them to gather in the main conference room at 3:30.