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Eric Wattree


I Bear Witness

I sit, I watch,

And I grow ever more obsolete

As I bear witness:

An Open Letter to President Obama

Is it just me?

Or is anyone else curious about how the Republicans managed to suspend the United States Constitution, thrust us headlong into a costly, unjustified war and ravage our national treasury under George Bush while the Democrats, even after being given the White House and a huge majority in both houses of Congress, can’t manage to pass a healthcare bill that would benefit every family in America?

Lofty Ideals Are Meaningless Without the Backbone to Defend Them

Is it just me?

Or is anyone else curious about how the Republicans managed to suspend the United States Constitution, thrust us headlong into a costly, unjustified war and ravage our national treasury under George Bush while the Democrats, even after being given the White House and a huge majority in both houses of Congress, can’t manage to pass a healthcare bill that would benefit every family in America?

A Slave's Prayer

I was stole from Eden, an innocent soul,
crossed seas and centuries, chained and cold;

My mother was raped and beaten to death,
my daddy was sold, and my sister is kept.

How they praise God and brag dat they free,

and sing songs about freedom, 'din look upon me?

I was chained to 'dis land, 'dis "Land of the free,"

by people with a God, who sho must can't see.

The Republican

Sweet patriot, square of jaw,
And demeanor of great command,
You fearlessly stand in defense of America,
And the savior of all God’s chosen men.

Healthcare: What's So Wrong with Having Government Protection?

Those in Congress who are protecting the insurance industry from government intrusion are doing a great job — of protecting their campaign contributions.

How to Protect Yourself When You Suspect Racial Profiling

Well, racial profiling is in the news again.

Prominent Black scholar and Harvard Prof. Dr. Henry Louis Gates Jr. was recently arrested after a forced entry into his own home. Dr. Gates alleges that he was arrested for spite after he'd presented his identification, then repeatedly insisted that the officer provide his name and badge number.

I Had Dream

I dreamed that I opened my eyes one morning and all of America was wide awake.

I dreamed that I could hear the echoes of the Bush/Cheney consortium desperately proclaiming their innocence from deep within the Hague, but the world had long since stopped listening.

America: Are We Really that Exceptional?

Well, there's that arrogant, xenophobic, and divisive phrase again, "American Exceptionalism."

President Obama is being roundly criticized by many conservatives for refusing to go around the world promoting the conservative vision of American superiority. Their shortsighted idea of effective American diplomacy is for the President of the United States to trot around the globe telling the people of the world that we're better than they are.

Should Black People Try to Own the Rights to the Word...

While I generally refrain from the frivolous use of what has come to be called "the N-word," I only do it in deference to the sensibilities of Black people who have made the abolishment of "the N-word" (I feel silly even writing it) a major issue in their lives.