Carter Dewberry
Flipping a Coin
Some have said it is a blessing, others a curse. I cannot decide. All I know is that I have always had almost more options than I can handle.
Missing the Point
The countdown is on! In less than two weeks, I will be leaving on my first solo tour.
Finding My Stride
I couldn’t get it to stop. Here I was taking a cello solo on our opening piece, and my fingers had stopped listening to my blushing cheeks’ plea to just stop already. All my carefully worked out passages collided at the intersection of preparation and spontaneity.
I Am Ready
I have set the stage. For the last two months, I have cleaned every nook and cranny of my loft, gotten rid of items lurking uncared for in corners, and moved most of my furniture.
Pain’s Game
Last weekend I burned myself badly enough that a week later my right forearm still is sensitive to the touch. At the time, I barely paused to say “Ouch” before continuing hosting my students’ recital.
More Meat, Please
I tend to think in a strange combination of prose, poetry, and visually enticing “bullet” lists. I had fun trying to incorporate that into one cohesive piece... hmmm...
The Misfit
Sitting alone late Saturday night after having met my social quota, I found myself once again struggling with an odd mix of relief at being at home with my cello, anxiety at wondering why I only enjoy a limited amount of social interaction, and longing to have the desire to go out and just have FUN.
I used to weep so hard my shaky legs wouldn’t carry me out of the theater at the end of movies where lovers were parted due to life’s happenings. I would lament the injustice that brought an end to such tender moments.