Home Authors Posts by Ben Edward Akerley

Ben Edward Akerley


Hitchens Reveals the Greatest Imperative of Our Time

HITCH-22, A Memoir by Christopher Hitchens. Hachette Book Group. 435 pages. $26.99.

Distinguishing Between Science and Religious Faith

Anarchy, Evolution, Faith, Science and Bad Religion in a World Without God —

By Greg Graffin and Steve Olson. HarperCollins, 290 pp, $22.90,

There Is No God. Merry Dec. 25.

“The Atheist’s Guide to Christmas”
Edited by Robin Harvie and Stephanie Meyers.
Harper Perennial. 11/10. 307 pages. $15.95 (paperback).

Face to Face with the Enemies of Science and Reason

“Science and Stem Cells: The Right Wing Assault on Reason.” By Diana DeGette. The Lyons Press. 248 pp. $24.95.

And He Can Just About Prove His Point

The Greatest Show on Earth: The Evidence for Evolution

By Richard Dawkins
Free Press. 470 pages. $30

Slightly Different Slant on the Bible

During his 45-year career as an artist, R. Crumb has garnered many titles — subversive cartoonist, founder and chief sexist of the underground comics movement, master illustrator of the profane and inspiration for the world's first X-rated animated film loosely based on his own creation, “Fritz the Cat” (1972).

Of a Gay Actor Who Really Does Give a Rip

In the Novemberissue of “Details” magazine, acclaimed actor Ian McKellen confessed that every time he stays in a hotel (and he does that quite frequently), he looks for the ubiquitous Gideon Bible in the nightstand.

A Slightly Lighter Outlook on the End of Life

“Jane Brody’s Guide to the Great Beyond: A Practical Primer to Help  You and Your Loved Ones Prepare Medically, Legally and Emotionally fort the End of Life”  (Random House, New York, 2/09, 297 pp. $26.)

The Religion Writer Who Came to an Unorthodox Ending

Losing My Religion: How I Lost My Faith Reporting on Religion in America — and Found Unexpected Peace.  By William Lobdell. (HarperCollins, New York), 2/09,  $25.99.

A History of Despicable Legal Relics

Dishonorable Passions: Sodomy Laws in America:1861-2003, by William N. Eskridge Jr. (Penguin USA, hardback. 514 pages. $32.95.)

In June 2003, the U.S. Supreme Court voided all sodomy laws in the 50 states with its 6 to 3 ruling in Lawrence v. Texas.