Home Authors Posts by Ben Edward Akerley

Ben Edward Akerley


A Non-Believer Who Lived and Died with Grace and Dignity

Mortality, by Christopher Hitchens. 104 pp. $22.99.

Distinguishing Between Science and Religion. One Doesn’t Need Magic.

The Magic of Reality: How We Know What’s Really True. By Richard Dawkins. (The Free Press) 271 pp. $29.99.

A Fairminded Visit Inside the Dusty Attic of Scientology

Inside Scientology: The Story of America’s Most Secretive Religion. By Janet Reitman, Vanguard Press. 444 pp. $28.

Which Crime Is Worse and Deserves More Prison Time?

The Los Angeles Times this morning reported a 16 years-to-life prison sentence for Jose Fructuoso, killer of Hollywood producer Bennett Bradley, and a possible 34-year term for alleged child molester, Martin Weiss.

A Magician Who Believes He Does Not Believe

God, No!: Signs You May Already Be an Atheist and Other Magical TalesBy Penn Jillette. Simon & Schuster. 231 pages. $24.99.

Is Humanism a Religion?

Good Without God: What a Billion Nonreligious People Do Believe By Greg M. Epstein (HarperCollins, New York) 250 pp. $14.99 (paperback)

Going, Going, Guam

With all the discussion of how the post office deficit has far exceeded its income, consider this:”

Humanists, the True Believers

em>Good Without God: What a Billion Nonreligious People Do Believe By Greg M. Epstein (HarperCollins, New York) 250 pp. $14.99 (paperback)

Bugliosi’s Anti-God Premise Is Shaky and Untenable

Divinity of Doubt: The God Question

By Vincent Bugliosi
Vanguard Press
338 pages $26.99

Explaining the Curious Process of De-conversion

“Trusting Doubt: A Former Evangelical Looks at Old Beliefs in a New Light,” By Valerie Tarico, Ph.D. The Oracle Institute Press 266 pages. $17.95. (paperback).