Earl Ofari Hutchinson
Bishop Long Can Repent by Apologizing for Gay Bashing
Embattled mega church preacher Bishop Eddie Long came as close to confessing his sexual debauchery as any debaucher could come without actually confessing.
‘Obama Hates America’?
The Obama Hates America theme is not hyperbole. It has been relentlessly played for all it is worth from the second then-Democratic Presidential candidate Obama announced in February 2007 the would seek the White House. It was played hard again in the days leading up to the ninth anniversary of the Sept. 11 terror attacks.
Farrakhan Endorsement Makes Ground Zero Mosque Backers Squirm
Nation of Islam leader Louis Farrakhan is the latest to weigh in on the great Ground Zero mosque debate.
No Surprise so Many Think Obama’s a Muslim
It’s no surprise that so many Americans think that Obama is a Muslim. The Pew Research Center poll found a big increase in the number of Republicans who think that. Certainly that was no surprise. Only slightly less surprising, the poll found that lots of Democrats and Independents also think he’s a Muslim. No President has ever had more pejorative labels slapped on him. He’s been branded a bolshevik, socialist, Nazi (go figure that one), an anarchist, leftist, an alien and of course, un-American.
Congresswoman Waters Speaks Out on Ethics Charges and Much More
California Congresswoman Maxine Waters took a virtually unprecedented step.
Jones Talks about Sherrod, President Obama and Race
In March 2009, President Obama named attorney and environmental activist Van Jones as Special Advisor for Green Jobs at the White House Council on Environmental Quality. It didn’t last. Six months later he was out. He resigned after right-wing bloggers, spurred by Fox talk show hatchet man Glenn Beck, smeared him his for his activist past.
GOP’s Breitbart Invitation Shows They Are Lying About Race
Republican National Committee Chair Michael Steele has repeatedly snapped back at the charge and the notion that the GOP is racist, harbors racist elements, and plays the race card.
President Obama Do the Right Thing: Reinstate Shirley Sherrod
Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack is dithering, waffling and foot-dragging on what should be a no-brainer:
Jesse Jackson Fouls Out on Lebron and Race
Jesse Jackson should be slapped with a sixth foul and a fast ejection from the Lebron James game. Jackson should get the much deserved boot for shoving race into an issue that has absolutely nothing to do with race. Jackson likened Cleveland Cavs owner Dan Gilbert’s much-publicized open letter tirade against James for jumping ship in Cleveland to treating James as a “runaway slave.”