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Earl Ofari Hutchinson


Strauss-Kahn’s Ousting Scarcely Has Affected Way IMF Runs

[Editor’s Note: In view of the recent sexual scandal involving the disgraced former head of the little understood and presently leaderless International Monetary Fund, Dr. Hutchinson interviewed Jacob Funk Kirkegaard of the Peterson Institute for International Economics.]

Method to Ron Paul’s Madness in War Against Civil Rights

GOP Presidential candidate Ron Paul still wages war against civil rights. We shouldn’t be surprised since Paul repeatedly has gotten into hot water nearly every time he opens his mouth about anything that remotely touches on race.

Why the GOP Can’t Get Rid of Its Clowns

GOP strategists and analysts sounded desperate, even panicked, when they implored Indiana Gov. Mitch Daniels to toss his hat in the Presidential ring.

Killing Osama Should Suffice — Photos Are Not Needed

President Obama made a wise decision in choosing not to make public photos of Osama bin Laden’s body. His reasons are pragmatic and compelling. DNA tests and other evidence showed conclusively that the dead man was Osama bin Laden. Releasing the gruesome photos wouldn’t satisfy the professional Obama bashers and conspiracy theorists, who would just claim that the pictures were doctored. Meanwhile, their release could further inflame Muslim hardliners, giving them another excuse for retaliatory action against U.S. personnel.

How Barbour Was Hamstrung by Civil Rights Blunders

Mississippi Gov. Haley Barbour's announcement that he won’t seek the Presidency was no real surprise. His candidacy from the start was the longest of long shots. He consistently polled low single-digit figures among those that GOP voters said they'd back. His shoot-from-the lip defense of the White Citizens Councils and then tepid backtrack on that defense, and his feigned cluelessness about the brutality of Southern racism and the accomplishments of the civil rights struggle, typed him in the minds of millions as a borderline unreconstructed apologist for the Southern way of life, white bigotry.

The GOP Tripped Itself Up Again

Orange County GOP Central Committee member Marilyn Davenport’s email blast depicting President Obama and his family as monkeys was sick, vile and disgusting. But that was not the worst part of it.

GOP Makes Obama’s Re-election Easier by the Day

President Obama’s re-election bid announcement was pro forma. There never was doubt whether he would run again. If the GOP has anything to do with it, odds are better every day he will win in a walk. It didn’t start out that way, though. The first year of his White House tenure, things looked shaky for re-election.

Race and Its Role in Rape Reporting

Are the recent headline cases of packs of young men violently and viciously raping young girls barely past the age of puberty a new and gruesome trend, a case of media sensationalism, or proof that these attacks are finally getting the attention that it should have gotten all along? There's an element of truth in all three possibilities.

Impeach Obama Over Libya? You Must Be Kidding

Perennial Congressional gadfly Dennis Kucinich completely lost his political screws when he even uttered the word “impeachment” of President Obama over his action in Libya.

Will Voters Go for Another Bad Black President?

Businessman and possible GOP Presidential candidate Herman Cain delightedly told a group of conservative New Hampshire Republicans that they shouldn’t blame him for a “bad” black President. The alleged “bad” black President is Barack Obama.