Home Authors Posts by Earl Ofari Hutchinson

Earl Ofari Hutchinson


A Hungry GOP May Go After Holder

Before nominating Eric Holder to be his Attorney General, President-elect Barack Obama quietly asked key Senate Republicans if there would be any potential confirmation problems with Holder’s nomination.

Diversity in the Obama White House, a Delicate Balancing Act

President-elect Barack Obama’s close and longtime confidant Valerie Jarrett was emphatic when she told a group of black journalists that Obama would not waver one bit in his commitment to diversity in his administration. The journalists were nervous at the paucity of African-American names that have been repeatedly tossed around as likely Obama staff and cabinet picks. The list is top heavy with moderate to conservative Wall Street bank and corporate officials, ex-Clinton White House staffers, officials and advisors, and Democratic governors and senators.

Put ‘Black’ Aside and Look How Traditional Obama Truly Is, Necessarily...

The instant that Barack Obama tossed his hat in the presidential rink nearly two years ago the twin mantra was that he could be the first black to be President, and if that happened America had finally kicked its race syndrome. The twin mantra has been repeated ad infinitum, and it’s dead wrong about Obama and the Presidency. The early hint that race was overblown and over obsessed came from Obama. He didn’t talk about it. For good reason, he was not running as a black Presidential aspirant. He was running as a Presidential aspirant. He had to make that crucial distinction for personal and political purposes.

Despite Speculation, Race Was Not Going to Derail Obama ...

Republican presidential contender John McCain got one thing right about Democratic rival Barack Obama. He told Larry King that he didn’t think race would be much of an issue in the final vote. As McCain put it, only “a tiny, tiny, minority” will vote against Obama because he’s black. McCain was not just campaign bloviating to puff up his oft-touted credential as a play-it-straight on race guy. The notion that because millions of whites passionately back Obama’s race is permanently off America’s table is more hope and prayer than reality.

Five Things President Obama Can Do to Keep the Fox Guys...

[Editor’s Note: This essay marks the debut of one of the most outspoken and effective activists in Los Angeles. Dr. Hutchinson’s views will appear every Wednesday morning.]