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Earl Ofari Hutchinson


Blacks, Browns Drug War Victims

Two brutal realities about the drug war  long have been recognized by many. One is that the drug war is a war on mostly poor,...

A Scalding for Scalia

GOP presidential nominee Donald Trump upped the ante again on arguably the single biggest campaign issue that has Trump and Clinton backers the most...

Will A Jury Convict the Baltimore Cops? Hmm

A Maryland prosecutor has charged a Baltimore police officer with a major felony charge in the killing of an unarmed young black male who...

Racist GOP Never Will Win Over Blacks

ESPN host Stephen A. Smith has gotten quite a reputation for being a controversial tell-it-like-he-sees-it guy. That's fine in sports punditry. He's an ex-jock,...

Brinsley Was Our Worst Nightmare Come True

Five days before Ismaaiyl Abdullah Brinsley gunned down New York City police officers Wenjian Liu and Rafael Ramos, I received a memo and a preliminary report from the National Law Enforcement Officers Memorial Fund. This is a national organization dedicated to tracking the number of officers killed in the line of duty, promoting awareness of the dangers to law enforcement and commemorating those slain in the line of duty. The chairman, Craig W. Floyd, sounded the alarm on the sharp increase in the number of law enforcement fatalities in 2014. There was cause for ...

The Second Slaying of Michael Brown, Jaywalker

The instant the news broke that 18-year old Michael Brown was slain by a Ferguson cop, the inevitable happened. Police officials dusted off a well-worn Cover-Themselves template. They would either hold a press conference, publicly release, or leak documents that depicted Mr. Brown as having gang ties, smoked dope, dealt dope, had an arrest record, was a school troublemaker, or had engaged in some kind of deviant behavior. With Mr. Brown, they added to their Cover-Themselves template by waving pictures to the national press that purported to show Mr. Brown robbing a convenience store moments before he was gunned down.

Officials Were Right to Tamp Down Muslim Terrorism Fear in Boston

President Obama’s first official statement on the Boston Marathon bombing couldn’t have been plainer...Yet all it took was an isolated and scantily detailed report that Boston police were questioning a young Saudi national to set off the standard rush to judgment finger pointing by some at Muslim terrorists. The Saudi national, as it turned out, is here on a legal visa, and he had no criminal record.

Avalanche of GOP Opposition Should Not Stop Rice if Obama Nominates...

If the heat on U.N. ambassador Susan Rice wasn’t intense enough from GOP senators using her as a surrogate to batter President Obama, now Rice faces more heat from a green group.

Why the Poor Pay Far More Than Romney

Every study of taxes and taxation has been virtually unanimous that GOP Presidential contender Mitt Romney got it dead wrong that millions of poor and working people pay no taxes and in essence leech off the system.

Romney Poses Greatest Danger to the Supreme Court

GOP Presidential contender Mitt Romney recently mused publicly about his likely cabinet picks if elected.