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She Is Against Gay Marriage, but the Reason May Surprise You

I don’t support gay marriage.

Please, put the daggers away.

This is not an essay in support of Prop. 8. Nor is it anti-gay.

I think every couple (or for that matter, group) of consenting adults who choose to form a family should have the same rights regardless of its composition.

Why I Don’t Have Children

[Editor’s Note: Jessica Gadsden has been controversial since the day she discovered her inner soapbox. She excoriated the cheerleaders on the editorial page of her high school paper, transferred from a co-educational university to a women's college to protest the gender biased curfew policy, published a newspaper in law school that raked the dean over the coals with (among other things) the headline, "Law School Supports Drug Use"—and that was before she got serious about speaking out. Progressive doesn't begin to define her political views. She's a reformed lawyer, and full time novelist who writes under a pseudonym, of course.This will mark the debut of our newest, and perhaps most charismatic, weekly essayist. A Brooklyn native, she divided her college years between Hampton University and Smith. Together those experiences created a dynamic young woman who is busily pondering subjects such as “Why can’t I buy an environmentally friendly luxury car,” “The selfishness of prayer,” and “Why I think Obama can’t win the Presidency.” Not to mention this morning’s theme.]