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A Closer, Critical Inspection of City Manager’s Proposals

A memo to first-year City Manager Mark Scott: Come on, Mr. Scott. These are not Jerry Fulwood’s naive Culver City...

Penetrating Safety Questions for Culver City Cops

In 1976, the Culver City Police Dept. hired 8 new police officers, bringing its total number of sworn police officers to 67.

A Claim That Truth Is Elusive in Culver City

Re “Hang ‘em, Try ‘em, in That Order

The sentiments expressed in the “Hang’em, Try ‘em – in That Order” headline have been my experience in Culver City the past 33 years.

A Word of Warning to Residents Who Are Truthtellers

I have received numerous emails from residents of Culver City over the past few months thanking me for my opinions and information about Culver City government. I have received a lot of requests for information about the city’s current financial situation, and I have responded with whatever information I have. I do not know Sandra Kallander, she has never emailed me. I have no information on royalties from mineral rights for Culver City residents, and I do not know if City Councilman Scott Malsin allegedly called Ms. Kallander a liar, as she said. But I do want to thank her for standing up for me and the numerous other members of the Culver City community who have been called liars over the years.

The Police Dept. Position That Won’t Go Away

The taxpayers of Culver City should take notice of what Sheriff Sandra Hutchins of Orange County is doing with her proposed $20.5 million in cuts to the Sheriff’s Department Budget.

Did Chief Cooke Snooker Councilman Corlin?

At last Monday night’s City Council meeting, the exchange between Councilman Gary Silbiger and Personnel Director Serena Wright about the Calpers employee pension agenda item reminded me of an exchange between years ago between Councilman Alan Corlin and Police Chief Ted Cooke.

A Warning to the Council for Tonight

Tonight at 7 in Council Chambers, the City Council will address the CALPERS Additional Service Credit for Culver City for Miscellaneous Employees.

City Council, do not fall for this trap.

Digging for the Truth Behind a Young Culver City Cop’s ...

An article in yesterday’s Los Angeles Times (http://www.latimes.com/news/local/la-me-testimony26-2009jul26,0,7875892.story) about a Culver City Probationary Police Officer giving false testimony in a local court case is very disturbing to me.

Most disturbing is the way the Culver City Police Administration has thrown this young officer’s career to the wolves.

How $45 Million Just Disappeared

For the past year, the citizens of Culver City have patiently listened to now-retired City Manager Jerry Fulwood and his staff talk about Culver City’s dire financial state.