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After Losing Keystone Vote, Bass Says Pipeline Only Worth 35 Jobs

Editor’s Note: After the House overwhelmingly voted 266 to 153 this morning to approve the controversial six-year-old Keystone XL Pipeline, ahead of next week’s Senate vote and President Obama’s promised veto, Culver City’s Democratic representative, issued a minority statement.

After Verdict, the Fight Is Not Over

I am saddened and outraged by the verdict reached in the murder of Trayvon Martin, a 17-year-old whose only crime was walking home on a rainy night. In our sadness, we must not forget...

The Unfairness of Sentencing Blacks vs. Whites When Numbers Are Similar

More than 300 people turned out last Saturday morning for our resource fair and community town hall on mandatory minimum sentencing. We had a productive discussion about potential solutions to this problem, including U.S. Rep. Bobby Scott's (D-VA) "Justice Safety Valve Act." This would give federal judges the flexibility to issue sentences below mandatory minimums. The bill aims to help judges avoid sentences unnecessarily harsh for non-violent offenders.

Bass Supporting Silbiger

Culver City Vice Mayor Gary Silbiger, far right, with Karen Bass, State Assembly Majority Whip, third from right
     For the past year, I have had the pleasure of representing Culver City and the rest of the 47th District in the State Assembly. As I have worked on issues ranging from transportation to the environment to social services, I have looked to Culver City City Councilmember Gary Silbiger to partner with me in our mutual goal to best represent the people of this city.
     Gary has been a leader on the Council where he champions more support for education, the safety of every resident, and the creation of a more participatory city government. But he has also worked diligently throughout the region to make sure that the people of Culver City are represented at every level of government.